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News Item1/12/19 3:42 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I wasn’t able to read the article as my internet connection wasn’t up to it!!

This news item shows me the madness and hypocrisy of the left. Yes, I disagree firmly with the original anti black apartheid that South Africa suffered under the previous white Nationalist government, but one does not defeat evil with evil.

The new leftist Communist black government of South Africa, as with the leftist activists in USA, Canada, and my own country of Britain seem to wish to commit suicide of their country. With the seizure of white farms, as has already happened in their neighbouring impoverished country of Zimbabwe, and now denying their people desperately needed specialist doctors, because the doctors happen to be white, shows the hatred and zealous political correctness of these rulers and the awful effects it has on the people.

Actually, if we read Genesis, all racism, white against black, and black against white, is sinful, because actually we are all one race, descended from Adam and then Noah, and divided into two sections, the born again of the Holy Spirit , and the lost, who are not yet covered by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for their sins, and who need to be born again.

News Item1/12/19 1:32 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Our Lord spoke well about the lawlessness that would come in the end times in Matthew 24, as did the Apostle Paul in Romans 1, and in the 2nd Epistle to Timothy.

In Britain now we have Brighton and Hove City Council leading the way in its Transgender friendly schools, and the Scottish Government with its all subjects LGBT curriculum, and when someone close to me cannot get essential thyroid treatment and medication on the NHS which they need, because it is too expensive, people who are “trapped in the wrong body”, (basically because they rebel against how the Creator made them), can get free expensive and carcinogenic (cancer causing) and suicide causing treatment, to take opposite sex hormones, and butchery of removal of perfectly healthy body parts on the NHS. What madness and lawlessness!!

News Item1/12/19 1:16 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Would this Marcionite (an ancient early church heresy founded by Marcion in the 2nd century I believe, who similarly taught that the Old Testamenr was not relevant), be happy if his house was burgled, (thou shall not steal), or if someone slandered him or told lies about him, (thou shalt not bear false witness), or if someone raped a female relative (thou shalt not commit adultery), or if a neighbouring pastor of a smaller church openly despised him and envied him for his large church, (thou shalt not covet), or if someone murdered his dearest child, (thou shalt not kill), just some of the Ten Commandments.

By the way, in the New Testament, what Bible did the Lord Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, the Apostle Peter, and the Apostle John quote exclusively in their ministry? Yes, it was the Old Testament!! The New wasn’t yet written, and the Lord and His Apostles clearly upheld and declared the historicity and authority of the Old Testament.

No, I think that this Marcionite pastor, wishes to give excuses for LGBT / evolution / liberalism and to explain away eschatology and the 2nd Coming of the Lord, and to just “go with the modern flow”, because it suits him and his modernist, liberal parishioners!

News Item1/10/19 7:20 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I remember well reading a book on the history of the Reformation in the Netherlands, and how that country gained its freedom from the Spanish Catholic rule and the terrors of the Spanish Inquisition.

It was in the Netherlands where Reformed doctrines were finally formulated as opposed to the Arminian ones at the Synod of Dort in the early 17th century.

It was also the Netherlands, that along with other countries in continental Europe was invaded by the armies of Nazi Germany during the 2nd World War, and suffered from the occupation and the imprisonment and death of both Jewish and non-Jewish citizens at the hand of the Nazis.

Yet after the war, suddenly there was a moral nose dive, and the Netherlands embraced liberal theology, evolution, gross heterosexual and homosexual immorality, euthanasia on demand, abortion in demand, environmentalism, combined with religious syncretism, interfaith, unlimited Islamic immigration, occult, abd if course enthusiastic membership of the secularist EU and the euro zone. What a tragedy!

News Item1/8/19 5:44 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear John, I am not sure what relevance spiritist churches in Wales has with this presumably fully evangelical church in China which is being closed down.

I fear you have been reading too many of the previous contributions on these news items from SA written by a certain Chinese correspondent who believed the churches in China should all join the official state approved TSPF churches, and meekly obey the dictates of the Chinese Communist party, and restrict their work and witness accordingly.

With regard to spiritist churches in Wales, or any other false religion, of course, I one sense I wish they were illegal, but we do not live in a theocracy and will not live in a theocracy until the Lord Jesus Christ, High Priest and King rules with an absolute monarchy over the whole earth.

Until then we live in a fallen world, and must work and witness.

News Item1/7/19 3:37 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The combination of activist leftist federal judges and the new zealous hard line Socialist Members of the House of Reptesentatives will stop at nothing and do everything in their power to undermine President Trump and to ensure the triumph of their LGBT / Transgender / abortion / euthanasia / marijuana / environmentalist / pro-Palestine / pro - Islam agenda at all costs.

I am sure the potential enemies of the USA are rubbing their hands with undisguised glee st the prospect!!!

News Item1/5/19 7:42 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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At least here we have a clear statement by an African Evangelical Anglican Archbishop who opposes all the modernism and theological and moral liberalism in most of the mainstream Anglican Church.

The African Evangelical Anglicans are nothing like the typical C of E in Britain or the USA Episcopalian Church or the Anglican Church of Canada. This Nigerian Archbishop and his clergy will have stood against prosperity gospel and pseudo-Christian charismatic and NAR churches in the south and Islam in the north.

News Item12/30/18 7:35 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The devolved Government of Scotland is a very dedicated leftist government and is in the lead in implementing a great deal of anti-Christian policies, even more so than the main British government.

The very politically correct Scottish Police, that rejoices in the name of Police Scotland, is a hurriedly amalgamated national police force for Scotland a few years ago for political reasons from four or five regional Scottish police forces. These were previously amalgamated from several smaller county and city police forces in the 1970’s.

This huge national police force is very bureaucratic, and does not have the accountability of the old local forces.

This plan was nearly tried in England and Wales some years ago, but thankfully defeated. We still have our relatively local police forces in England and Wales.

News Item12/26/18 7:27 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This could easily end up that people who do not initially go through with an abortion, may eventually be able to get rid of a child if it proves to have a major disability or health problem.

Initially child or adult euthanasia starts off, like abortion did with certain safeguards, but over time they get bent and undeniably undermined and as is already happening in Belgium and the Netherlands, it becomes, for child or adult, euthanasia in demand.

Canada, is now careering down the same slippery slope, and in one province, Ontario, doctors and nurses are not allowed to opt out, and can be disciplined, prosecuted or fired from their profession.

This is the inevitable progress of secular humanism and godlessness.

News Item12/24/18 3:45 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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One would have thought that the infamous going’s on at thre main square outside the Hauptbahnhof and Cathedral at Cologne on New Years Eve a couple of years ago, (Cologne and Bonn are the only two places I have visited in Germany), when ladies were openly molested without any help from the police, would have warned the German people of the problem that they were dealing with.

Unlimited Islamic immigration, activist leftist judges, suicidal self-hating politicians, and ecumenical apostate clergymen have a lot to answer for.

When they are commanded to convert to Islam, pay a Jizya tax, or die, they will soon realise too late the results of their foolishness and dangerous appeasement of Islam.

News Item12/22/18 2:37 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Planned Parenthood- ha! The organisation that actually doesn’t believe in parenting planned or otherwise. No wonder they detest the idea of people who are pregnant and actually wish to see the pregnancy through!!

News Item12/20/18 10:21 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Just an observation. All those liberal types who are in to yoga, meditation, religious vegetarianism, and so on, should realise that Hinduism does not lead to peace and light, but rather as we see here in India, violence, hatred and darkness.

Near where I currently live, is an Indian cultural centre, which is always very busy, with meeting rooms, concert hall, library, a special events cafe, bookshop, and so on.

Tragically, it is located in what was a large Congregational Church and has a foundation stone stating that it was built for “the glory of God”, in about the 1880’s. How tragic.

News Item12/20/18 10:09 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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As I have said before, though of course we oppose them on many other grounds, the genuine feminists should be up in arms about this one.

It basically means that in such countries as Canada, Scotland, Sweden, such local states such as California and New York City, (the last mentioned place where an 11 year old boy, dressed as a drag queen, performed in a gay bar, and had money thrown towards him - how vile and wicked!!), no woman is safe. There are to be no safe places for genuine women, such as clinics, women’s refuges, public bathrooms, swimming pools, health clubs, and so on.

Women should immediately kick up a fuss in these places, if an obvious male presents himself, and should get their friends together, with lawyers as needed, to fight this thing resolutely.

I myself, (though I am a biological man), was greatly disconcerted when I had a job interview for supply adult teaching for a city council adult education college, with three women, except that though 2 of them were genuine biological women, the third was an obviously biological male “transgender” impersonating a woman. It really put me off in the interview, (no I didn’t get the job). The man, despite his women’s clothes, and some make up, had broad shoulders, a wierd and rather deep voice, and clumsy male mann

News Item12/19/18 8:39 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Karen from Northern Ireland, I really pray that the devolved Northern Ireland will not be forced to accept the abortion / euthanasia / LGBT / Transgender laws and school curriculum that are in force in England, Wales, and more particularly in Scotland. Both the main British Government and the neighbouring Republic of Ireland, and the EU behind it, would love to force NI to yield to these laws. A lot depends on how Brexit goes, and whether we are forced to stay in, or become a kind of associate member, but with the infamous backstop keeping NI even further in than the rest of Britain.

Christopher from RI, I thoroughly agree with your comments. Children of a tender age should be able to enjoy a non-sexualised childhood, playing with toys and sports, learning their abc’s, and growing up in a lovely family with father, mother and siblings, and even more important, learning about the Lord, and the Bible, and part of a solid Bible believing Godpel teaching Christ centred church together with their family.

News Item12/18/18 1:20 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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My advice to truly biblical evangelical parents who live in Brighton and Hove council area. Take your children out of the state schools there immediately.

This seaside resort city has I believe the second largest LGBT and Transgender community, second only to London, which is only an hour away by fast electric train.

It became a unitary authority out of the more rural West Sussex and East Sussex County Councils many years ago, and the state schools there are about just as well as advanced as any elementary or high school in New York City, California, Oregon, Washington State, or New England liberal states in the USA, in this absolute madness and sexual anarchy that had taken over on the last few years.

The LGBT and Transgender groups, though representing less than 1% of the population, have an authority and power out of all proportion to their numbers.

I don’t know if there are any Islamic schools in Brighton and Hove that are in the state system, (unlike USA we do have religious and church schools in Britain), they will of course be exempt, but the Church of England’s and Roman Catholic schools will presumably not be exempt from this madness.

News Item12/16/18 12:27 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Reading the account carefully, I am absolutely sure that many of these Iranians are sincere.

However, there are some very worrying problems with this account. Put aside the rock music, and the very sloppy dress standards at the meeting. This alone would cause some concern as to the type of Pentecostal Christianity these Iranians are receiving. Also put aside the US American pastor, with his southern drawl speaking through a translator.

Put aside also that this is all happening in another Muslim country that is no friend of Christianity, and though Sunni Muslim as opposed to Shia Muslim, is actually a kind of ally with the country, Iran, that these people have fled from.

All is not as it seems. The United Pentecostal Church is not the same as the Assemblies of God, the Foursquare and other established Trinitarian Pentecostal denominations. The UPC is modalist or Sabellian, that is, it believes that God is one Person with three different modes, not the official Trinitarian view of one God, three Persons held by the mainstream Pentecostals. They baptise in the name of Jesus only, and that is why they are called “Oneness Pentecostals”.

News Item12/16/18 11:10 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It seems that Communist Party songs must be sung at church services, and cameras linked directly to the nearest police station to be installed in churches, amongst other things, as well as the officially approved version of the Bible retranslated in line with Communist Party beliefs.

No, YIA, this is not acceptable to truly biblical evangelical churches, even if it means they have to go underground.

News Item12/16/18 11:04 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I acknowledge, YIA that there are no doubt cults, heretical churches and false religions who are also persecuted by Communism, as well as true evangelical churches.

However, though you are obviously seeking to obey your government, and say that the churches should obey the government, there does come a time when the government commands Christians and churches to do things that’s totally against the faith, and against God’s Word.

The church that you mentioned that is registered and yet not a part of TSPA will soon, the way that things are going, be told that they must join the TSPA Church, or their registration will be withdrawn.

I don’t know what your problem is with China Aid, I have never read their website or literature, the info I have is from a wide variety of other sources, including reputable ministries that support persecuted Christians.

It is no secret that the current Chinese Communist government wants a complete surveillance on all activities in the state, and that includes total control of religion, combined with severe restrictions on worship, church buildings and location, banning outside evangelism and children’s programmes, and state required approval of ministers and control of sermons, what is preached.

It seems also that Communist Party songs mu

News Item12/16/18 3:31 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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militant Islam, but then the Lord will destroy the Antichrist, the False Prophet and all their rabble and bring in His absolute and perfect reign over all the earth. Bless His Holy and Glorious Name.

News Item12/16/18 3:29 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, much of Europe under the EU with its dictates, single currency, and open internal borders and now very porous external borders, led by Macron, Merkel and Juncker, and dare I say, even my own country of Britain, despite its increasingly messy exit from the EU, are all committing suicide as nations, leading eventually to that final cataclysm of one world government, one world religion and one world (cashless) economy, with the mark of the best and the very short 7 year disastrous reign of the Antichrist and his False Prophet, directly satanically inspired. It will be defeated by the grace and glory of God the Father and of the Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Interestingly, while the population of the Westwrn nations is being destroyed by abortion, euthanasia, LGBT activities, transgenderism and so on, the Muslims who do not practice such things, in fact they punish them, boosted by illegal and legal immigration, propaganda and a self defeating willingness by secular leftist governments to ally with them, and adopt their sharia law, while at the same time destroying the Judeo-Christian foundations of their nations, are growing at phenomenal rates.

I believe the Lord will actually use the Antichrist to destroy militant Is

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