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News Item4/8/16 5:19 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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Geff, go ahead call me a liar, God will judge. You want personal arguments. Feel free as long as SA lets that kind of thing go on..... the floor is all yours.

Rafael, what he told his son:

"When he was four I used to read bible stories....I would declare and proclaim the Word of God over him, and I would just say, 'you know, Ted, you have been gifted above any man that I know. And God has destined you for great things."

How many sit down with their 4 year olds and tell them they were chosen above any man, is that not the OPPOSITE of the GOSPEL, which is there is no greatness in us, but that we are all sinners and that Jesus Christ is Lord and He saves us in our sin, there is no glory in us!? Sounds like he was brainwashed from the beginning...... very troubling.

Rafael claims he wants foundational Christianity and Constitution, but his proclamations of kingship of his son and the taking of wealth of rich to give to the righteous straight heresy, and antiConstitutional (sounds like deistic commnsm!). this should be raising red flags.

News Item4/8/16 4:49 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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I love Bernie fans. If they have something I have, I expect them to hand it over.... just to be fair, I'm sure they will be the first to be so generous, as in sharing their own wealth with others.

Jim Lincoln, what do you have that you are going to share with the rest of us, you know there may be quite a lot of Christians that are dirt poor, its only fair.

News Item4/8/16 4:37 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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I also saw the tape of his father saying he told his son at the age of 4 over and over how he was called by God above all others, something crazy like that! look at their own words, his wife his 7th day Adventist (I have nothing against people of this persuasion but it is not the same salvation message, and along with Mormon and dipsensatoinal is the gloabalist-minded Zionism, which is why texas bapt pastors inviting beck as speaker at their pulpit!), the neocon evangelicals are like a b movie in its 10th sequel, how many battering rams to your way of life to see the globalist agenda being accepted through trickery?

News Item4/7/16 8:02 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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instead of pushing them into incorporations why not help get them out to be free fellowships?

News Item4/7/16 7:35 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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he pushed for extreme increase in visas and passed out teddy bears at border, got hard on immigration after someone else had guts to bring it up, voted for first TPA, yet has audacity to call himself the Constitutional candidate? and on top of that has yet to show that he filed as US Citizen and when? (Pres are supposed to be natural born, remember that?)

reminds me of another who had the bible in the light and bohemian grove in the dark.

tons and tons of depleted uranium, that is the legacy of those he worked for.

saying that his campaign is the "face of God", the Mormon prophet calling him the "Priest" to save the nation and his father "the Great King" when they would take the wealth of the rich and give them to the righteous? (does that not sound a bit Castro like?) -- guess some call that "Christianity" -- I give due respect to Pastor Jefress and Huckabee for seeing through it.

News Item4/7/16 7:11 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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Mike, thank you for your wisdom concerning this article, it is quite serious and something to pray about. I think it would be good for those who are able, to acquire real copies of books for teaching, edifying, remembering, for when they are banned, we will be able to share them with each other.

News Item4/5/16 12:05 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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you all need to find out who finances this stuff and then it will make sense "how" they can do this.

if you disagree with them you may just be a xenophobic bigot.

the antidote is for the Christian to leave their "bigoted" religion for a more acceptable persuasion.

the greatest evil in this religion is to offend them.

News Item4/4/16 9:19 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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Hi TMC, I will be glad to give you the clip where he refuses TWICE to clear the record to say he's always been faithful to his wife. and lets Fiorina jump in and answer for him.

and for calling those who care about their NATION their own PEOPLE (is that not why we elect a representative, to represent those who are voting or foreigners and elites?)? as opposed to the new world religion of the globalists and their attempt to erradictae Christianity and the family through the LGBT movement, feminist movement, loss of natll sov and UN motions? do your homeschool groups not fight long and hard to stop these initiatives?

was it not the empire of the RCC and its indulgances that tried to destroy nationalism within the nations of Europe, being that they would then be able to fell the shackles of their false religion?

News Item4/4/16 6:51 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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Frank wrote:
The original manuscripts were God breathed and inerrant, every jot and tittle,
yep ,that's the Word of God.

News Item4/1/16 2:27 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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yes pray, then wait, because God will define and refine His people for a PURPOSE.

And in a time when the bible is considered h@te speech, be ready to suffer church.

So while we are praying for those others, get ready to find our own self under the microscope of God's refining fire.

Who showed up at Ferguson riots and was an instrument of peace, bringing the gospel as God led them to? There were Christians there.

Who is sitting among the brethren in camps in locations of Syria Christian refugees holding the dying children? There are other Christians there with them!

They go OUT. What is the Great Commission? To go OUT.

News Item4/1/16 2:13 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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gov does have a place,romans 13 properly read is for good,

and yes fundamentally I want free market and constitutional law and sov of states.

what we have now is corporations who run the politicans and get their wores, take land, rights, jobs and yes, this can be seen in graphs, there has been a transfer of wealth from a large middle class to a small group of hundreds of people.

they then pass laws that give them "unfair balances".

this is a biblical concept.

unfair balances and usery was not allowed in mosaic law.

so a man rejuevenates the soil, does crop rotation, free range chickens, and natural grains.... gov agencies run by politicans who are still associated with big pharma/farma use draconian measures to confiscate their labors and shut them down.

therefore those involved in the free market are stopped by gov

the proper place of gov is to represent the PEOPLE, not collectivism/corporatism

shot companies have outright been found covering up the proof of their massive damage on two generations.

there are gov agencies that are to be holding them to account, instead they are used to take licenses from doctors who have proof of their misdeeds.

what a silly thing to say no gov, that would be utter chaos, others take advantage.

News Item3/31/16 10:51 AM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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Geff, yes its just you, the accusation against lewandowski is a joke. I watched the "footage" weeks ago, she was caught deceiving and has no shame.

Michelle Fields...

said the event was the worst thing to happen to her in her life besides her father dying!!

he supposedly tried to pull her to the ground, grabbed her tightly and yanked her down, almost fell to the ground.

the video shows security walking in between a presidential candidate who is leaving a room and an unknown woman approaching him and grabbing him by the arm. He was doing his job and she is making up a story and if you were here for the truth you would also clear it up.

Title: The Truth about the Michelle Fields "Assault"

News Item3/31/16 10:33 AM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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Hi Geff, loooook closely, I was talking about TPA....

Paul and Sessions voted 'no', on the other hand

Title: Donald Trump Endorsed by Senator Jeff Sessions in Madison, AL (2-18-16)

anyone can watch his speech to find out why.

News Item3/31/16 9:22 AM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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well the jobless can either legitimately vote or go on craigslist $15 an hour to disrupt assemblies where Trump is speaking.

what a day! a journalist is making up getting assaulted propogated of all places fohx news!! yet video clearly shows her being aggressive.

then there was the debacle of the crazy leftist punching a trump supporter and claiming she was assaulted!

guess commnsm manifesto is working, feminazis can make any accusation that defies all reality and it sticks, meanwhile evang'ls hide their head in the sand.

but rest assured that cruz does not want to copulate with rats. and if you ask him straight out, clear the record, have you been faithful to your wife, he will also have a woman there to intercede for him to avoid the question entirely. after all, his wife was banker, north American union extraordinaire, this the new church ruled by women and emotions.

yet you have trump being lamblasted because he suggested that people might be prosecuted for abortions.... he takes the heat while the "real conservatives" follow white horse prophecies and prosperity gospel kingship proclomations.

what an election. the one that revealed the evil that they fought so long to deny.

now we all know, although try to forget, that ISIS was western construct and

News Item3/30/16 10:20 AM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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watched this same thing happen with ocare. the abomination is ocare. the tracking of people, datatabsing through screened questions, the federalizing of doctors making apptms legal exchanges instead of a personal exchange between patient and doctor, legitimizing eugenics care at end of life, abortion, besides bankrupting people with forced astronomical premiums, and during a time of joblessness forcing businesses to move people to part time.....

and the evang response was that of collectivism... and it was something like this... yes, you can enslave the public, you can abuse the youth, you can destroy jobs, that's really not a "spiritual" issue, but please don't make our organizations pay for abortion or bc pills. yet, the rest of us as individuals are still stuck paying for it! what difference does it make?

was this victory? no way!

so now, the "ethicists" will "accept" Sodomy as marriage as long as their clergy get exempted from performing the marriages instead of suffering with their congregations who will also be persecuted???? what kind of old war heroes led from behind? -- we have to be careful that we aren't protecting the institutions over the work God has planned for us in these dark times, might find we end up on the wrong side.

News Item3/29/16 1:07 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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Mike, the question is, have you always been faithful to your wife?...

he was holding a press conference and taking questions.

all he had to do is say, "yes".

rather it seems two times the woman next to him jumped in and changed the subject.

if the question was asked of me regarding marriage, it would be rather easy.

News Item3/29/16 9:26 AM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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the republican party has an opportunity right now to defeat the one who should be wearing an orange suit for decades of mafia activity, they have a populist candidate where untold millions are crossing over to rep ticket to vote for him.

they have shown their true colors. they have every intention of stopping him. Evangelical fools think that somehow the agenda 21 leaders selling out their children are making a "moral decision" by allowing leftists to violently invade public events and blame the candidate.

this blasphemer that is called by his father the great king that will bring the wealth of the evil to the righteous.

Some Evangelicals love blasphemy!

we know trumps failings, he isn't hiding it. what is the worst thing is a people who call themselves right before God that destroy their own nation from within, crazy surveillance laws of hom sec came from faux wores of bush, you evangelical fools about to do it again.

Cruz was asked straight out, clear the record by telling us you've been faithful to your wife. He avoided the question at least twice taking cover behind fior

News Item3/28/16 1:14 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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....yet we hear that Russians have pushed back isis in key town in Syria for assad, elected gov there. isn't that the kind of thing we would want to see? ah, nevermind, Christians attacked celebrating the Resurrection of Christ in Pakistan, 65 dead? wow, father banned from taking son to church, who's PC? what is PC? what is this powerful spiritual forced that makes evangelicals apathetic and liberals afraid?

News Item3/28/16 1:11 PM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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I see the copulation comments from cruz have not made the rounds. he is in the same category of conservative as I would put Scofield and the white horse prophecies, if one is to call that conservative. cruz pushed for Roberts. its still a mystery, that conservative voted for ocare, and probably gay marriage (I'm not sure), what's going on??

News Item3/28/16 9:24 AM
pennleope  Find all comments by pennleope
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Scofield was a cheater and in jail for fraud. What utter foolishness.
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