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Survey9/23/09 8:01 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Why worry about the deeds of the wicked.

If you believe the word of God it is clear that the wicked will get more wicked and the righteous will be more righteous.

I look in the sky and see chemtrails scar the beautiful sky God created.
But these things will not be stopped. People will not listen to you anyhow, they are zombies stuck inside their TV's.

If we can get through, what's more important, community action or the saving of souls.

What in the long term will turn the tide?
The only thing that will ever stop bad things from happening wether it is real terrorists of pretended ones aka(our Governments seeking greater powers) is people being liberated by Christ, the curse from our land being lifted by national repentance and thus the judgement of God through the "Kings of the East" being averted for now.

If people do not come to Christ, they go to hell, the family unit will continue to implode, the nation will go on like an ox to the slaughter and we will be punished for turning our back on the grace of God.

Terrorists are not our problem, we are.

Survey9/23/09 7:46 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Let me throw a cat amongst the pigeons here.

When Napoleon took the Pope prisoner they took much gold and in the process found "St Peters chair" only to find the engravings on the chair read "There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet."

I am not surprised the French were sick of their religion.

Islam worships the moon god which is Abaddon or Apolyon, Siva is the Destroyer in Hinduism and related to Isis, Astheroth ... and etc etc the Roman Catholic Mary.
That is why she is depicted in many works of religious Roman Catholic Church art with the cresent moon.

As for the Roman Catholic Jesus, he is not Joshua the Messiah (which is Jesus' real Hebrew name) but the Sun God Baal etc etc and all the other names he goes by.
Aka the sun disk (host)worshipped in the monstrance.
Islam and Roman Catholicism must at some point merge.
Thus the planned conflageration between Christendom and Islam.

Thus the Hegellian Principle of thesis vs antithesis to produce a synthesis.

News Item9/23/09 7:20 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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The first written public attack by the papacy was by Pope Clement XII, In Eminenti, 28 April 1738, but the Roman Catholic Church has officially accepted Catholics involved with Masonry.

On March 28, 1976, the late Terence Cardinal Cooke, Archbishop of New York, appeared as the principal speaker at a gathering of 3,000 Masons. Go check it out.

On 19th July 1974 the Sacred Cong for the Doct of the Faith stated "that canon 2335 no longer automatically bars a Catholic from masonic groups."

The game is public denial and secret acceptance with gradual change as the power of balance tips in their favour.

This is so the Vatican can perform acts of sedition and treachery before the nations of the earth and put the blame on Masonry whilst being in control of it just like the horrible KKK. Just watch the Godfather 2 and SEE.

Surely Jim you have heard the term plausable deniability.
This is about lies and deception and subterfuge.

Symbols, rites, and oaths make it a dead give away.
It is quite telling that in the book of Revelations John is told "Come and See"

I pray that you too Jim will do the same. "Come and SEE"

BTW what's with the "mote" and the "log"? What the??? How is that applicable?

News Item9/23/09 6:22 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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What swine flu.
Here in Australia they have hyped this thing so much. Medical "sperts" have almost been excited to speak about how many people could die from this.
New papers have headlines smacking of disappointment of it not being as big as first thought.

I know people who have had it, and they had to be isolated.
They have said they have had the flu far worse than this before.

Less people have died from this flu than the normal flu.

This is about depopulation which is coming to a head (just read the UN's biodiversity document they want us back to the feudal age in population and operation) which brings the words of Jesus into a serious light that if He does not cut those days short there will be no flesh upon the earth.

I think they are hoping it was going to do the job but I guess back to drawing board.
I consider that the grace of God giving us all more time to repent nationally.

News Item9/23/09 6:08 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Your right John. I will be surprised if he gets what he deserves or anything close.
He "merely" killed a "dhimmi" and regardless of Islam's true fact which says dhimmi means "protected" it is clear this is not what is real fact.

Survey9/19/09 8:43 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Thanks guys for your comments.

I have no problem with the Baptist view on things.
I believe within the realm of Biblical Christianity there is room for charity.

I too am Born again (unlike Ex President Bush, who means a completely different thing when he says Born Again)

Yes I believe if you are going to be baptised you should go the whole hog, unless you've got water restictions on or something ;-L

At the same time I believe there are saved people who have been sprinkled.
If I were to close out those who have been sprinkled I would be very arrogant in making assuptions about the grace of God and more importantly I would be saying by default that someone is saved by full immersion.

Regarding infant Baptism I believe it holds no value as I see no biblical validity for this practise and Roman Catholic infant baptism is more or less an exorcism.
All my children have been dedicated unto the Lord.

When you mentioned your mother making fun of Holy Rollers it reminded me of people in a study group I was in making fun of me for reading a KJV.

Survey9/19/09 8:55 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Book .... sorry How about 5 books

John Owen's
Mortification of Sin in the Believer
William Gurnell
The Christian in Complete Armour
Jesse Penn Lewis
War on the Saints
Eric Phelps
Vatican Assassins
Robert H Gundry
Jesus the Word According to John the sectarian

San Jose John

Be warned about Halleys Bible Handbook.

Read book called Billy Graham and his friends by Cathy Burns

“. . . around 1961, Billy Graham bought the rights to Halley’s Pocket Bible Handbook. The original Halley’s up until the 22nd Edition (1959), warned about the Jesuits. There are chapters about the Roman Papacy, and the Jesuits. According to Mrs Halley, Mr Halley spent years working on those chapters and never would have permitted the book to be changed. However when he died, Billy Graham bought the rights, and REMOVED all the research and warning about the Jesuits in the editions Billy Graham printed.”

Might want to check your edition.

Survey9/19/09 8:44 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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This matter weighs heavily on my heart.
You are right in what you say "playing church." I don't even want to witness to anyone cause I don't know where to send them when they do come to Christ.

I am not charismatic. My use of the the term "move of God" is in the literal sense.

I seriously see the words of Jesus coming into fruition being "When I return will I find faith upon the earth."

The biggest problem is no one would careless that a christian who holds to a reformed, puritan like outlook is not welcome in any church.

Not because they actively have a sign up saying Mr ..... your not welcome here, but because the meetings are corrupt with lies or just plain ignorant naivety, egocentic music called worship, and a complete godlessness that mimicks that of a state run communist church.

It's almost like todays church does not want mature, strong, stable christians in their midst.

I am even finding a struggle to keep my faith alive, with so much offense out there.
I think though of John 16 to not be scandalized or led to apostatize" these things I have spoken to you for this reason.
An excellent book that brought this point up for me and encouraged me greatly was "Jesus the Word according to John the sectarian"

Hold fast and not apostatize.

News Item9/18/09 10:10 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Good on you Tony Lopez-Cisneros.

Thankyou for saying what should be said.

What are the Da Vinci Code books about "symbols".

Any who say Masonry and Roman Catholicism are enemies need to examine the rites, symbols and oaths of the Masons and catholic orders and especially the Jesuits to see there is absolutely nothing different between them.

Even the Skull and Bones order tell us clearly who their boss is.
And GW Bush even pronounced it even more clearly 2 months after his inauguration in the Washington Times (owned by Sun Myung Moon founder of the Unification Church who is also a Papal Knight)saying he would enforce the word and teachings of the Pope.

The line that they are enemies is nothing but mere shadow boxing.

Two opposites ( a thesis and antithesis) are needed to create their planned synthesis.
This is Hegellian philosophy being worked out in reality.

You can be sure also that whatever Dan Brown has in his book will not be revealing anything that is not supposed to be revealed to achieve the desired social outcome.

There are so many good works I could refer you to but a very recent one called Vatican Assassins

It is a 1800 page book and well worth the read.

Survey9/18/09 8:08 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I regards to what John Yurich has said, I agree that just because you are in a Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Church or a Protestant Church (even an evangelical one), does not mean you will not meet Christ when he returns.

BUT I do emphasise that when the glory of God moved on in the wilderness with the Israelites which is where we are spiritually (in the wilderness) for we have not yet crossed over yet into the promised land, the tabernacle was taken down and the people followed till the glory of God stopped and then they reassembled the tabernacle again.

The Word of God does also speak clearly in Rev 17 "come out from among her and be ye seperate" regarding the Whore.
These are churches that are spiritually adulterous and wicked.
This included the Roman Catholic and Orthodox and today also includes Protestant and Evangelical churchs.

I have left church awaiting to see what the move of God is next.

3 Months ago I had a dream where a woman in a white dress came to the door of my house and on the hem of her dress it read "Spirit is leaving".

That seriously concerns me.

News Item9/18/09 7:51 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Wicked Rick Warren again.
I do not call him wicked without first careful consideration and meditation upon the word of God.

Member of CFR, New World Order proponent, and part of Alice Bailey's said infiltration of the Church which has been an overwhelming success.

Educated by Robert Schuller, who is member of the same masonic lodge as Billy Graham and the leader of nation of Islam.
All working for the grander boss the Pope.

Whenever a big personality in Christian circles speaks, you can hedge a sure bet they are lying.

I hope no one here is taken in with Mr Warrens new church speak. (which is witchcraft repackaged.)

If you are then I can also hedge a sure bet you have not done you homework.

Where is the voice of the reformers condemning the Whore of Babylon for our situation if far worse than during the reformation.

I'd rather suffer the glorious honour to die for Christ than be cuddled and kissed to death by a church full of Judas Iscariots.

Survey5/27/09 8:54 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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jago wrote:
I believe we are now free to obey the law of God,
Is that meaning the inverse?
Are you free in Christ to not keep the 1st Law?
So you don't have to love the Lord with all your Heart etc under grace?
So often I hear the statement from christians "We're not under law but under grace" like both are mutually exclusive. These concepts are not polarised but complementary.
Yes we are free under grace but by not keeping the law of God we are either frustrating grace or are liars.

jago wrote:
whereas before we were held under its rule but were unable to obey it.
And still can't, thus the continued need for the blood of Christ ie: no law no sin, no sin no need for sacrifice.

jago wrote:
Did Adam and Noah know the same law as Moses?
Regarding Noah and Moses, what difference is there really? Blood sacrifice was the payment method, and still is and Noah was righteous, because of faith. That which is not of faith is sin.
If someone is convicted to keep a law do not then encourage them to disobey it. You will place a stumbling block in their way.
Those who are strong in their faith should apply the liberty they claim to have to those who see things differently

News Item5/25/09 3:43 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I don't see the election of gay minister the problem, it is merely the fruit of a deeper rooted rot, namely how did the Church of Scotland wind up electing 326 apostate ministers?

Do we all see what God is doing. Isn't He putting all godly and righteous people into a position of leaving "church" whatever the denomination.

Righteousness is becoming an outcast, and I am proud follow her.

Survey5/21/09 7:40 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Gotta keep abreast of the rapid changes in our language, why else would we need a new bible translation every week. ;-)

News Item5/21/09 3:06 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I used to believe the false notion of some escape before the tribulation. Namely the rapture.

Scripture says
The Dead in Christ rise first.
Not according to the rapture.
They rise before tribulation or escape the worst of it and before the dead.

We are to go through much tribulation.
Not according to the rapture.

Jesus also said "when you see these things (Jerusalem surrounded and destroyed) then will be great tribulation."
Great not only means intensity, it also means duration and its propensity to encompass.
That means since c70AD we have been in and are still in Great tribulation, in its reach globally, it's duration, and it's depth.

God is not the author of confusion.
Not according to the rapture.
Rather than follow a consistent course of logic God goes schitzo and Daniels 70 weeks or 490 day years is actually 483 day years + 2000 day years + 7 day years totally disregarding Numbers and Ezekiel's explanation on how to interpret this system of working.

This doctrine really frustrates me because of the scope of its foolishness.

Survey5/21/09 1:08 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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In the 21st Century church it's now a french kiss, because the rest of the world does far worse kisses than that.

Survey5/21/09 1:04 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I think its a matter of coming to an impasse with churches in the 21st century.

Like a woman in labour you end up being pushed out when it is time to be born as a mature christian.

It's not so much about finding a church in which "I" agree but finding a church in which agrees with scripture.

God just won't stop pushing me on issues that are insurmountable to resolve.
Like Christmas, Easter, The Cross as a symbol of Baal, paganism even of Church architecture, worldliness posing a worship, ministers dull of understanding, and their willingness to sell truth for a mess of pottage.
For example Wiccans have made application to our Education system in NSW to have "scripture" like classes, and a church leader says "this could work to our advantage".
What team are they batting for?
Most primary school kids want to be a Harry Potter.
How is half of scripture class attending Wiccan class to our advantage unless they mean it will harry (freudian slip) upon us the judgement of God.

Survey5/21/09 12:24 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Pastor Jim you are correct. The whole "BIBLE" has never been discovered complete.
What you have failed to completely reveal though is that your assumption that oldest is more reliable is equally dishonest as any dishonesty which you claim resides in some of the posts.
(Maybe you can be more specific and list which quotes are dishonest? Maybe you have seen something I have not.)

Oldest does not mean most reliable, or at least in any dictionary I know of.
It means oldest.
You neglect to ask vital questions like, when was it written, where did it originate, who penned it, are there corrections and why, and the big one, why does it still exsist if it was reliable?
It is not so simple as finding the oldest and there you have the correct rendering. That was Tichendorff's incorrect assumption.
This is also Westcott and Horts thinking. Two occultists who would do anything to take the church back to Rome.

You also claim the AV/KJV was translated into archaic english which no one speaks anymore.
I am bemuzed. I know people who have english as their non native language and have no trouble reading and understand the AV/KJV.
What are you trying to say? Please be more specific unless of course this is just subterfuge?

Survey5/21/09 12:06 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Thankyou for your comment Neil. I think you simplify what is being made into something complex.
The word of God is something even the simple can understand, so I always prefer to find a simple explanation where possible.

I find that God would avoid using directly the term Nazerene or Nazereth, for the purpose of providing a path for unbelief for those who will not believe whilst another path for belief in exactly the same manner for those called to believe. This doesn't mean he tempts to unbelief but facilitates for those who wish to disbelieve.
Temptation comes from within a man drawn by his own lusts.

News Item5/21/09 5:17 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Sounds like Orwellian newspeak to me.
Max you said it best and most succinct. This is about reinterpreting terms into a post modern doublethink framework.
Every time something is prefixed with High you can assume they must be on some mind altering substance. Because 1+1 always equals anything but 2.

I percieve each day that being a christian is not just about being in the world but not of it. It is also being in the "church" but not of it till Chist calls you out of "her".

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