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Sermon Hell and the hearts of men | Pastor Chalan Hetherington
AmandaT from Newstead VIC Australia
"Thank you Pastor, for this very sobering and needful reminder to everyone..."
-7 hrs 
Sermon Music in Worship | Clint Boyer
-18 hrs 
Sermon Thy work shall be rewarded | Pastor Jonathan Campbell
Pastor Daniel Goodman from West Monroe, La
-25 hrs 
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News Item1/16/07 3:40 AM
Thumbs up for Muslims  Find all comments by Thumbs up for Muslims
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"Once again you are frothing at the mouth. I just want to know, are you talking about the peace loving Muslims who have killed over 3,000 of our soldiers or the ones who are beheading christian girls or the ones that burned and ransacked France?"

cbc, your posting reflects your blindness and murderous heart. The Muslims who have killed 3,000 of our SOLDIERS? SOLDIERS? What would you think if some country came bunker bustering into America, showering you with hundreds of tons of depleted uranium, destroying your infrastructure, and killing 650,000 of your people, men, women and children? If foreigners hauled Americans off to prisons and sexually tortured them? Who killed families and gang-raped little girls? Who grabbed the president and publically hung him on a saffold?

And our intelligence, along with the Mossad and British intelligence (aka Al CIAda), are provacaturing civil war in Iraq, deliberately. And the people get only one hour a day of electricity.

You don't feel shame for what we're doing to the Iraqis, to our own soldiers?

If you had any Christian decency, you'd care about those poor people, and you'd not be publicly displaying your hatred and bigotry in the "name of Jesus."

News Item1/15/07 4:43 PM
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cbc. Fine.

No truly born again Christian would be frothing at the mouth to bomb innocent people into the Stone Age either.

Why is it that it's mostly the so-called Christians who support Skull and Bonesman George Bush and his devil-worshipping friends and the evil Jewish religion?

I have to say, I feel more kindship with the poor Arab people, Muslim and otherwise, who are victims of our bombs and guns than I do with any of the people who post on this bulletin board, or who go to church on Sunday.

Why don't you all just go get a yarmulke and join up? Are you prepared to spit on the cross every time you walk by one?

But people who would turn their back on a gift from God and say it was some kind of demonic thing, what would you expect?

News Item1/15/07 4:28 PM
Thumbs up for Muslims  Find all comments by Thumbs up for Muslims
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Duh, as to you setting yourself up to judge my spirit, I thought you said you gave all that stuff up.

If you want to know what kind of spirit I have, it's a spirit that wants to live, not die. I can't stand to see our country getting ready to bomb another Arab country into the Stone Age, to nuke 'em all as I've heard so-called Christians post on this bulletin board, with murder in their heart.

I don't advocate joining with nonbelievers, but Arab men and women are human beings with virtues often totally lacking in a lot of "Christians." They want to live just like we do.

There are obnoxious bigots posting on this board, "Christians" who want to kill Arabs, even Christian Arabs, to please the Jews.

The Muslims I've known were good people. The women are wonderful cooks and homemakers, and the men seem kind and decent family men, no drinking, carousing, filthy living. The Koran respects Jesus and glorifies Mary. The Talmud, in contrast, vilifies Jesus and all his followers.

Our own government was responsible for 9/11, acting with the Mossad and British intelligence. Because of the criminals who have taken over our government, the whole world has to die?

News Item1/13/07 8:50 PM
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"Also, Abigail didn't defy her "churlish and evil" husband... but instead she went out and met David and saved her husband's life."

Yeah, she did defy him. Nabal said no way was he going to give David and his men food and comfort, but Abigail went and did it anyway..

When Nabal found out what Abigail had done, he had a heart attack.

But anyway, we both agree that evil and churlish men do not deserve any kind of submission or respect.

As to the evil and churlish part, I guess you consider yourself a holy and kind and friendly and hospitable man yourself, right?

Are you one of those men who likes to bring his obnoxious friends over to the house and then order his wife around like a slave in front of them?

Are you one of those husbands who would not be caught dead changing a baby's diaper?

I've heard the divorce rate is even higher amongst fundamentalists than anybody else but don't know if it's true, haven't really researched it. But I keep hearing it here and there.

News Item1/13/07 7:32 PM
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MBL, talk is cheap. I'd rather have somebody who lived it than just talked about it. Paul said, Let all who name the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.

So what's your problem?

Doesn't the Bible say to love your wife the same as you love yourself? You admitted that you have no desire or intention to try to be a good husband, and you want other people to pray for you that God will somehow make you want to listen to him and walk with him.

Abigail was yoked with a supposed believer, Nabal, a good Jew. But he was a selfish jerk, and God killed him and blessed Abigail for defying her husband, who was all into himself and nobody else.

Remember the story?

And seeing what we have for examples of Christianity, people like MBL and JD and the rest of the Antinomians who think they are so spiritual compared to everyone else -- who would want to convert to Christianity if it means becoming people like them?

Ambassadors for Christ? Or causing the way of God to be evil spoken of?

My advice-- Listen to Paul Washer's sermons on SA and get saved.

News Item1/13/07 7:13 PM
Thumbs up for Muslims  Find all comments by Thumbs up for  Muslims
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Muslim men make fantastic husbands.

They are funny, good looking, kind, and they love their children. They work hard and bring all the money home to the family. They do not philander. They are red blooded men who know how to treat a woman to make her feel special and appreciated and loved.

They aren't loud and obnoxious, just really sweet, and they at least care about their souls. The Bible says it's not what you know, it's what you do with what you know. With what they know, they do a whole lot.

One thing they are not is just "goy," some kind of subhumans beneath the Isralis, who should all be wiped off the planet like Haggee and some the other bloodthirsty so-called Christians are calling for.

At least the Koran acknowledges Jesus as a Prophet and exalts Mary almost as a goddess (the religion was invented by the Catholics according to Eric Phelps information online, also Alberto Rivera and others). Whereas the Talmud hates Jesus and "goy," calls Jesus vile names and says Jesus is in Hell.

News Item1/13/07 6:26 PM
Thumbs up for Muslims  Find all comments by Thumbs up for  Muslims
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Why do so many Americans hate Muslims so much? Muslims are not responsible for 9/11. Most of the terror is government sponsored -- by the Americans, British and Israelis, made to look like it's the Muslims.

Any man would do well to marry a Muslim woman. She will be a good cook, be happy to have a big family, and won't be running to the bars and cheating on her husband.

Any woman would do well to marry a Muslim man -- as I've known several Amearican women who have. They are handsome, charming, cheery, faithful, family men, like big families, are good providers.

Sure beats so many American men who are woman-haters, lazy, weak and spineless, selfish and cowardly, the ones who steal money from women, who charge triple for car repairs they never even bother to make -- you know what I mean, they are everywhere.

Hey, my advice, get yourself a good Muslim if you can for a mate. They won't be queer and they aren't into baby murder either.

Pastor Chalan Hetherington
Hell and the hearts of men

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