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Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel
Posted by: Discernment Life Ministries | more..
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Though Critical Theory (CT) appears to have come out of nowhere in the past decade or so, it has been fermenting in the shadows since the early 20th century with the failure of Economic Marxism {Karl Marx’s original postulate}. It was growing in the shadows watered by the writings of Antonio Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Fabian Society, Herbert Marcuse and several others but its real father was Hegel. However, even further in the shadows were those who slowly financed and nurtured this distorted abomination through several front organizations such as Soros’ Open Society Foundations and World Economic Forum. Today it is known as Wokeness to disguise its true origins, Marxism, and its true goal: Revolution; Slavery of You!

CT has one objective: to criticize everything which is against its ultimate Marxist goal; hence, critical theory. But, why racism? Why CRT as the main point of attack against all societies today? God, in some mechanism not explained other than He confused their language, unmasked the fact that sin hates differences! Through some mechanism the people self-divided themselves into different groups that expressed themselves differently from each other (Ge 11:1-9). These groups moved away from each other forming different cultures and at some point through interbreeding also formed different outward characteristics. So-called modern scientists, though really scientism advocates, such as Charles Darwin developed the evolutionary concept that people were of different races and not all races were equal {On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.}. This destroyed Nimrod’s one-world government which would have obliterated knowledge of God and His promise of a Redeemer (Ge 3:15). Satan has been seeking a means to return to this one-world government, globalization, ever since. Today, with the marriage of technology {digitization} and philosophy this is becoming not just a plan but an advertised reality: Great Reset by the WEF; hence CT and CRT.

“Government is God upon the earth.” {Hegel Quote. Mises Institute.}. This foundational concept forms the biblical antithesis Paul had already postulated over 2,000 years previously in the Bible (Ro 1:18-28). In fact, Paul lays the foundation for why CT, Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Wokeness exist; build a world without God, or at least without acknowledging God. This modern but ancient exercise of sinners has become so prevalent that even non-Christians such as James Lindsay have acknowledged its anti-liberty enslavement goal over all people everywhere!

While CT and CRT plagiarize the scientific verbiage, they are not sciences; hence, they are scientisms designed to infiltrate past your defenses via deception, lies. CRT, which has be referred to as Race Marxism (RM) is a belief system, or to put it in modern parlance, a religion! While Hegel wrote in theoretical terms, Marx’s goal was to bring Hegel into concrete reality which could only be achieved through Revolution. Marx believed, wrongly, that workers would rise up against capitalists to make a better society. World War I and II disproved this approach when workers died by the thousands for their respective countries under the hidden guidance of the capitalists or financiers. Rather than abandon Marx’s basic philosophy, many of the people listed at the beginning of this post, simply searched for a better means to bring about Revolution. Marxism’s praxis always agitates for Revolution. There is no peaceful coexistence, there can be no compromise; there can only be Revolution!

CRT posits that race is the basic principle of inequality. Inequality does not refer to opportunity but to outcomes. Yet, race is an evolutionary construct developed by the non-Christians, the Lost in Christ, which has no meaning in Christ who looks on the inside while man looks on the outside (1Sa 16:7; 1Co 12:12-27; Ga 3:25-29). CRT and RM use the Straw Man Fallacy to set up an artificial construct of races then appear to save people from racism if they will join in the Revolution against the evil whiteish skinned people. They are either ignorant of or deliberately lying in that since Babel people have attacked and enslaved each other over religious, cultural, societal differences which may or may not have involved differences in skin color and other outward, unchangeable features. This is a product of sin and sinners and the only solution is salvation in Christ in making everyone equal in relationship to God through Christ in His body (Jn 17:20-23; Ro 10:8-17).

However, RM does not define Racism simply as differences in skin color to avoid their own logic trap. Instead, racism is defined as any form of inequality. Therefore, RM is a religious belief system that demands it be the only valid belief system; a far cry from their credo, “Strength Through Diversity”! Enlightenment Era Liberalism is viewed as evil, irredeemable and thus must be destroyed. Why? Because Liberalism opposed centralized government in the form of the day, monarchies. Later this was applied also to tyrants or dictators such as Napoleon and even later still to socialist dictators such as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Whiteness is simply a stand-in, a conflation, for those societies that oppose socialized, centralized top-down Controlling governments. This conflation gains traction in Western governments who imported African people as slaves in the pre-industrial period. However, this argument has no foundation in areas of the world where one group enslaved other groups of the same or even whiter skin tones as themselves!

The major targets, the major world powers today are both liberal, at least in name, and predominately white, as they define white. Hence, the opening graphic emphasizes races against a race, which by definition is racism. They legitimize their racism as necessary to change the world for the(ir) better. The inherent contradictions become apparent with the advocates of CRT/RM being white politicians, white media pundits, white celebrities and white religious leaders. They are either advertising their total ignorance or there is another agenda at work of which they may be ignorant or they want YOU to be ignorant of its existence. Remember, RM advocates only Revolution; there is no toleration of the existing system in any form. Black Lives Matter (BLM) was simply a convenient tool to hide their revolutionary agenda behind YOUR erroneous understanding that the problem was racial. BLM was a blatantly Marxist group that self-destructed in covetousness exposing RM’s true objective: Revolution.

All wars are religious wars since they attempt to prove one group, right, over another group, wrong. Religion defines right and wrong. Government laws define right and wrong to punish those who do wrong. There is no middle or third position in which there is no religion at work. The Bible clearly states one is either Saved in Christ or one remains Lost in sin as born (Ps 51:5; Ro 3:10-18, 23). False Teachers infiltrate churches to change their message from the Bible to Man’s philosophy which is actually Satan’s error (Jude 4, 16). These False Teachers masquerade as messengers of Christ but are messengers of Satan to keep people from realizing the Gospel of Life contained in the Bible (Jude 18-19). The Revelation Church Letters detail how churches become corrupted and we see this occurring in our time.

The coming Great Reset hides behind the facade of setting old wrongs right but what it actually seeks to accomplish is reversing God’s work at Babel that made Satan’s Control over man so difficult. Notice, that in those cities in which RM has gained Control, dramatic increases in violence, drug usage which produces hopelessness, and rampant poverty as in the days before industrialization generally raised mankind out of degrading poverty such as the world had not known previously! RM will cause these conditions to proliferate around the world through every society until all people have equality of outcome: poverty, misery and then eternal death (Re 20:11-15).

But the visible talking heads and so-called theorists are the lackeys pushing RM with your consent to be enslaved; for your destruction. Who finances the events for nothing occurs unless it be purchased. Who lies behind the screen is the next post?

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