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Bob Faulkner | Niles, Illinois
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Hackberry House of Chosun
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Leaving NAR (1). As with all cult-like groups, it can be painful!
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NAR may be around for a while. Your church may be a target soon. Let your pastor know what’s going on. Name names. Oh, and if he already is involved, expect some real problems when you name those names. NAR may or may not be considered a cult (I think it is, the more I delve into it), but it has at least one cult-like characteristic. When you leave, you are blacklisted. People are told to avoid you. Sounds like Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, yes?

One man called this the largest Christian cult you’ve never heard of. I was a part of it. And didn’t know. It’s growing faster than Islam, and Islam is really speeding.

The paradigm shift is really on the way. Church will never be the same if these people have their way. The apostolic networks will replace denominations. Apostles will be in charge. At least, that’s what we’re told. The emphasis will be, not on winning individual souls, but on transforming society.

A new Communism? A new Romanism?

And you? NAR leader Bill Hamon says you are not in the Divine order unless you are an apostle or under one. So what will they do with people like you and me?

Not that people are not leaving. Let’s go over to the and read some exit stories:

Eight years ago, Dina left the church she was a member of. This is her story in her own words:

Where do I start when it comes to a movement that is so widely accepted, yet so demonically inspired? A movement that talks about Jesus, sings about Jesus and is growing at a phenomenal rate? This movement is moving at light speed and is infiltrating churches and denominations worldwide and becoming wholly accepted among Christians as biblical truth.

I spent 15 years under the NAR/Dominionism movement and didn’t even know what I was sitting under. In fact, I would bet that 95 percent of pastors that teach it, don’t understand the depth of heresy that they are spewing from the pulpit into their congregations. How do I know this? Because 95 percent of pastors that I personally know, have never had any formal/seminary training. They are simply passing on to their congregations what those before them taught to them, what they read in a book or what they see on popular Christian TV. It’s easy to get caught up in all the “good” words that we see and hear, what’s popular, what tickles the ear.

In 1997 I had just left a Word of Faith Church that I had been saved in. The Pastors had bled the people dry of all of their finances and suddenly “God” spoke to them to move their ministry to another state. A woman that my husband and I were friends with was a secretary at another church in town and invited us to visit. We had quite a few friends who attended her church so we found ourselves quite comfortable and familiar. We spent many years there laboring in the church, me mostly. I was very involved in everything I could get my hands into. I was on the praise team, I headed up the cleaning team, worked our conferences and some office work. Let’s just say I had a key to the church. I always had good intentions and my heart was to serve God and for Him to be glorified, but I was always left wanting, lacking and tormented.

Our leadership was another story. I had never seen such division in a church. The fighting and constant bickering was an understatement. There was never cohesiveness among the leaders and there was a constant revolving door of pastors and positions. I survived my share of worship leaders who berated and beat the sheep until they completely ran them out of the church. Homosexuality was prevalent, yet hidden among them. Sin was covered up as “shortcomings or mistakes” and perverted grace ran rampant among them.

There was never any discipline in the church or talk of repentance and the entire pulpit was infected with sinful lifestyles. When I would confront leadership about things that were going on in the church, I would be told that it was being taken care of or that it wasn’t what I thought is to be. Titles were fought for among leadership and they would “spiritually” kill you for them. It was a sickening display of a power struggle among them. I would watch them elevate each other from position to position as they would parade each other up to the pulpit and sit them in Kings chairs for all to see. They would prophecy to each other, “pass mantles” to each other, re-name each other, ordain each other and promote from one title to the next. It was sickening and all done in the name of “The Lord told me to promote you.” Man was always elevated in these circles and worshiped above God. It was just one big circus side show with many, many acts.

The teachings in this church were focused entirely on the Kingdom of God and extra biblical revelation. These teachings were so “deep” that when you left, you questioned what you had just been taught, but it sounded so good, you accepted it. Prophecy was a norm and expected at every service. We were taught that we were the Kingdom of God here on earth and that we would be the ones ushering Christ back. His return was all in our lap and depended on us as we took over the world and its systems. The worse thing about all of these teachings was that every 6 months “God” would speak to one of the pastors a new word for the season and then there would be a new way of doing things. We were constantly chasing new words and new revelations that kept you spinning in circles and chasing your tail. It became very wearisome.

Our worship services were so long that visitors would leave in the middle. They were so full of emotion and hype that I once saw my Pastor under such an influence (demonic) that he literally bent over backwards and nearly touched his head to the floor. He would be so caught up in worship that he would shoot invisible arrows into the air, speak in unknown tongues and enter realms no one else dared to go.

These worship services were purely dedicated to the flesh and we would always have to tap into the supernatural. We would sing, prophecy, dance, shout, cry, run and lay on our faces seeking an experience with God. There was always so much effort put into chasing Him and having encounters. It was such a show of theatrics and emotion that visiting preachers would praise us on how great and one of a kind our worship services were. We ate that kind of praise up and pursued it even more. I was so addicted to the experience that I was always on the hunt for more.

One day as I was watching GOD TV, I came across Kimberly and Alberto Rivera singing at The Toronto Airport Conference. It was so beautiful that I was hooked immediately. I had always been somewhat attracted to the supernatural, so this was right up my alley. I ordered their CD’s and information on soaking and began my own Soaking Ministry. I continued to introduce the church to any and all supernatural music that I could get my hands on. The deeper, the better when it came to worship. I loved what I thought was “His” presence, it was addicting and I could never get enough. Our church thrived on deep, spiritual music and it was always encouraged and welcomed.

I eventually mixed prayer with the soaking and loved having spiritual experiences. I prophetically sang words of the Lord over people and I loved the high that I got by doing so. I loved these deep spiritual experiences so much that I wanted others to have the same encounters. I thought that if only someone could experience His presence then they would become a true believer that God exists and want to follow Him. I always thought that one moment in His presence and you’ll never be the same. But I soon found out that it was not the case and no matter how many of these “experiences” we had, no one was changed and lifestyles remained the same. The worship in that church had become the “GOD” in that church. It was worshiped above the Word. There was no substance or foundation to stand on, it was shallow sand.

to be continued...

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