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News Item2/4/13 11:54 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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6 and counting. No picnic. Very rewarding. Very tiring. Wonderful friends. No boats. Will be wonderful to have in the family business until they take off to start their own families. Then who knows what blessings there will be and how many lovers of God there will be. We just pray, train & love. No cakewalk though.

News Item1/28/13 12:05 AM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Pastor Mike,

You are correct in that we will become less and less a Christian nation. The question is, will we become an atheistic country or Muslim? Either way, the beauty of our country will be lost. Instead of being built around Christian principals (10 commandments. Love your neighbor...) the country will be built around Muslim law or the moto of doing whatever is right in you own eyes. Either spells self destruction.

News Item1/23/13 4:11 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Systematically remove a people's ability to defend themselves and eventually you can rule them with the same weapons that you took away from them.

Unfortunately you cannot remove the evil people at the same time as the "evil" guns. You are left with innocent people who cannot defend themselves or the "six year olds" from the "evil" people still there.

News Item1/21/13 2:20 AM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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In a sense Mike, you are right.
By the way, this is Idaho. I switched way back before i realized how this site works. My apologies to all.

As a whole the general dialog is allowing much more discussion about other religions or non-religions as in your case. However there is definitely less tolerance for exclusive beliefs. As long as my beliefs are not contrary to yours, generally speaking, I can believe anything that I want. However, as soon as my belief says that what you are doing or believing is wrong or a sin, I am no longer allowed to publicly believe that way. I must give up my freedom of religion because it offends you, generally speaking.

News Item1/21/13 2:05 AM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Animal Farm, by George Orwell was required reading when I was in school. Pretty soon it will probably be confiscated if found on school premises.

The landscape is changing and common sense is again being replaced by fear. The ball was started to roll a long time ago. Bush capitalized on fear after 9/11 with the patriot act and a lot of other freedom robbers. Now we see that the people, instead of being lead by common sense and the Word, are being lead by their fears streight into captivity. Giving away their children's freedoms for the false promises of a snake oil salesman.

News Item1/15/13 11:36 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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I was woefully ignorant until some good friends sat us down and lovingly and gently showed my wife and i our error. We did not understand what really was going on with "normal" birth control meds. that was long before the newer Morning After variety. We are so greatful to our caring friend.

I encourage anyone who has not looked into these drugs to stop and take an honest look at the mechanics and timing in the process of these meds.

News Item1/15/13 2:13 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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If after a baby is born, you refuse it food or prevent it from warmth and protection, would you not be guilty of the ensuing death? If a baby is conceived and is prevented by a pill or a chip, from fastening to the wall of the uterus where is is to be kept safe and fed is there no crime or guilt?

News Item1/15/13 2:12 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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If after a baby is born, you refuse it food or prevent it from warmth and protection, would you not be guilty of the ensuing death? If a baby is conceived and is prevented by a pill or a chip, from fastening to the wall of the uterus where is is to be kept safe and fed is there no crime?

News Item1/5/13 10:10 AM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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News Item:
Premarital Sex?
I always appreciate you comments and especially your caring, respectful, humble tone. God bless. Thank you for regularly posting.

News Item1/4/13 2:11 AM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Mr. Lincoln,

Right you are in many regards. I thought about my comment (of course after I posted it) and noted that most of the "Churches" in our country are not like ours. We have been so blessed on many fronts.

By the way, my wive went to kids camp at Indian Hills Summer Camp. Those summer weeks are some of her fondest memories.

News Item1/1/13 4:25 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No, all what happens is that children get bored when the sermons are so much above their head,
Corinthians 13
11 When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man,"

i still speak as a child, think as a child, reason as a child? Because nobody ever taught me to be a man.

Our pastor preaches verse by verse through the Bible. (And does a great job) The same thing that all of us should be doing with our children at home. Right now we are walking through 1 Corinthians. I believe that there is a lot that children should learn from this book. I would say that it is a loving thing to teach them to sit and listen to the teaching of the Word and to spend more time interacting with adults than their peers. Especially the Godly men and women in our Church. I believe that segregation of the congregation is very damaging and integration of the ages is constructive. The young learn wisdom and patience from the elderly and the elderly get life and energy from the young. It is beautiful.

News Item1/1/13 2:42 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Neil wrote:
One could as easily blame the Internet.
Quibble: decimation literally means taking one out of every ten. It was a Roman legionary punishment for unit cowardice.
I've encountered Christians who didn't particularly like their children. At one church, for almost every fellowship group social gathering, children were not invited & babysitting was expected. Very puzzling.
Great comment.

We finally found a Church/Group of Christians who encourage children's involvement. Rare and refreshing.

News Item1/1/13 2:18 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Probably blame the prevalence of television. It's not abortion but the lack of bedtime entertainment, that is cutting down the growth rate. Also more women in the workforce, instead of following their natural calling, q.v., [URL=]]]Instructions to Wives, Mothers and Their Husbands[/URL].
So, no, the article is not quite on target with this topic.

You may be correct that television/entertainment has had an effect. However, not in the way that you mean it. Culture has not stopped "knowing each other" and it probably has increased since people are working less and looking for more entertainment instead of concentrating on work and family. The entertainment that they get on television is bloated with perversion and encourages promiscuity and sexual activity. However, they are not unified in biblical marriage and see God's blessings as "fun squashers" and utilized abortion, whether it is with a vacuum or a pill, to eliminate the "inconvenience." Whether they are claiming Christianity or humanism, the majority of the population is embracing the rot that the tube/flat screen is spewing.

News Item12/28/12 4:45 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Mike wrote:
Money is neither godly nor ungodly.
You are correct. Neither is Profit godly or ungodly. The methods used to get that profit could be classified as godly or ungodly.

How much profit is too much and how should one arrange his pricing?

1 Corinthians 10:23
23 “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up.

We need to remember what one's primary concern as a Believer:

Matthew 22:36-40
36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

Only when a society, economy, government, or people embrace that can it or they truly thrive or flourish as a whole. And the "world" is headed in the opposite direction.

News Item12/27/12 7:19 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Mike wrote:
Sometimes we see as unjust things that are not in themselves unjust. What we might be thinking is, some things are not fair.
The principle put forth in the example in Matthew 20:1-15 is- if both parties agreed to the wage, it is just, regardless of what the individual laborer's wage per hour turns out to be. It points out that there is no ground for complaint if some worked more than others in the attaining of the same wage. Although Jesus used the wage metaphor to make a point about something else, we need accept the validity of the example, unless of course, one disagrees with his using it.
Likewise if someone agrees to pay a certain price for an product or a service, and someone else agrees to pay more or less for the same product or service, neither has grounds for complaint about unfairness. "Fair" happens when the outcome of that which is agreed upon is settled.
You are correct. I mixed up my parables. I thought he was refering to the parable in Mat. 25 My apologies to every one.

Note however, in Mat. 20:15 he was being generous, not taking advantage. They were upset at his generosity.

15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?

News Item12/27/12 6:32 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Question wrote:
That is what happens when you step into the arena with little or no knowledge.

What country do you live in where the entire population is godly and ruled by godly principles?!! Or what country can you point to that has relied on such to make free enterprise work?
Besides which, what you state begs the question viz. that godliness is required to make free enterprise work. It demonstrates that you have no clear conception of what a free market is.

Dear Question,
Even though I do not write or present my case well it does not mean I have no knowledge.
I would say that the only way that a country will truly flourish is if they are abiding under Gods principles both in their personal lives in business.
As a rule the United States did abide according to Godly principles for some time. I believe that is why it climbed to be the World Giant that it is. Those principles are no longer valued as a whole and I think that without repentance the strength is going to come to an end.
Without God neither a Democracy, nor a Society, nor an Economy will be able to flourish. The ultimate end will be rule by the powerful and persecution of saints. That is why Socialism, Communism and even ultimately ungodly Capitalism will not work.

News Item12/27/12 5:41 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Boy, have I stepped into a hornets nest.

I think that I would say that the difference would be when one's ultimate goal is to make money and not to bring “Glory to God” (The chief end of man). If a company is not governed by the Word or principles of God it can and often does lie (false advertising), manipulate (Lobbying & Propaganda) and coerce (Legislation). In order to accomplish that you generally have to be a “monster” or huge company or organization. Small business can be just as corrupt as very large ones. The difference is that you have much more power in a large company. By the way there are many wonderful large companies.

I guess it depends on what you mean by “flourish” and what you mean by “free.” Capitalism unchecked by Godly principles will lead to control by the largest most powerful companies. Monsanto is flourishing. Other seed companies are dead or dying at monsanto's hand. The dairy industry has successfully made it to difficult for small dairy farms to survive through heavy legislation and regulations.
There will be a demand and there will be a supply. However, it wont be flourishing.

I have no problem with people making lots of money. It is wonderful. May they get it honestly and use it for God's Glory.

News Item12/27/12 4:14 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Neil wrote:
My motive is to discover & share truth. Why should my motives otherwise matter?
My witness is shot by negotiating prices? How so, unless there is a price set in Heaven that we must charge? And what if you charge more than a customer likes for your products? Isn't that a "poor witness," too? Negotiated vs. fixed prices has no bearing on the matter.
True, Matt. 20 is not primarily about economics, but its whole purpose is defeated if it was somehow unjust for the landowner to negotiate[!] whatever wages he wished with ea. worker. You in effect accuse God of injustice, since He is the landowner in the parable. So it is Christ-like to emulate the landowner here.
I have no problem with negotiations. I have my set prices. If somebody wants to negotiate, ok. Either we work it out or he goes somewhere else. However, that is totally different than where this conversation started. We are talking about monster companies taking advantage of the "little people." Totally different.

Democracy can only survive if governed by the Word and principles of God. Likewise, Capitalism can only survive if governed by the Word and principles of God.

It is very hard to believe the Global Pharmaceutical companies are doing that.

News Item12/27/12 3:10 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
So, A. L. is purported to have Satan to blame for his his murders? "I couldn't help it the Devil made me do it!" I would alleged his parents did not understand the [URL=]]]Instructions to Wives, Mothers and Their Husbands[/URL] that is given by God.
Proverbs 22
6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Ephesians 6
4 And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.---[URL=]]]NASB[/URL]
Did the father have any input into this person's life? In any event he was a man, and completely responsible for his behavior. While [URL=]]]Satan Offers Tests, God Offers Strength[/URL] to believers, the non-believer does not receive this strength to ignore Satan's suggestions.
Great post Jim Lincoln!

Thank you.

News Item12/27/12 2:01 PM
Republic  Find all comments by Republic
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I do custom screen printing.

Very easy to charge one more than the other. Your witness however, is shot if two people talk to each other about their prices.

I believe that Matt. 20:1-15 speaks to being a good steward with what is given to you, primarily "the good news."

If the good steward had made his profit by taking advantage of the sick and elderly would the master have congratulated him?

A believers primary concern should be to bring glory to God by emulating Christ-likeness by loving and serving others with integrity.

I will ask you a question. What is your primary motive in this conversation? Your insistence for an answer from John UK is silly and seems more combative than constructive (more like a radio talk show). Every business is different. Risk, demand, overhead...

Is your PRIMARY concern in business to make money or be a witness? If it is money, then squeeze out as much as you can from whomever you can. If it is the latter, then provide a good service and/or product at a reasonable price (which varies per business). You may never be a monster company but you will “sit at the gates of your city.”

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