Lehigh Valley Baptist Church

ID lvbaptist Code# 82155

We are an independent (not connected with a denomination) Baptist Church located in the heart of the Lehigh Valley in Eastern Pennsylvania (USA).

We are composed of believers who have been Scripturally baptized and who assemble together for the purpose of carrying out the great commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-21).

Our church was started in 1977 and currently about 300 members worship together each Sunday.

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Listen Line
(712) 432-3410
Service Times

Bible Discovery Groups - 9:00 AM
Morning Service - 10:15 AM
Evening Service - 6:00 PM

Bible Study & Prayer Meeting - 7:00 PM
Master Club for children (during school year)

Physical Address
Lehigh Valley Baptist Church 4702 Colebrook Ave Emmaus, PA 18049