Hope Baptist Church

ID hopebaptistnc Code# 82659

Our desire is that the people of Hope Baptist Church are a church family nourished by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and transformed to His likeness.

We purpose to accomplish this by applying the doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture, maintaining an emphasis on Christ, engaging in the practice of expository preaching of the Word of God, declaring the gospel, continuing in prayer, and returning to biblical order in the church and home.

We are an age-integrated church where we gather whole families, singles and all ages together for worship, teaching, prayer and evangelism.

In Christ, we see the glory of God displayed in the rescue of repentant sinners from the bondage of death. We have confidence, according to what He has promised in scripture, that He will be with His people until the end of the age and will raise them up to eternal life and expose them to the joy of His Kingdom forever and ever.

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(712) 432-3410
Service Times
Sun 10:00 AM
Physical Address
Hope Baptist Church 825 Averette Rd Wake Forest, NC 27587