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Sermon6/20/2023 5:48 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Saved Through Grace
Doug VanderMeulen
“ By Grace Alone ”
I was blessed by the sermon. We are saved by grace alone, by faith alone, through Christ alone. By grace alone means just that -- without signing a card to the effect that I have made a "decision" for Christ. Amen. Christ made a decision [sic] to go to that old rugged cross. Of course, it wasn't a "decision" but the obedient will of the eternal God which, as Messiah, as second person of the Triune God, He was born to carry out. Amen.

Sermon2/22/2020 9:21 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Doug VanderMeulen
“ Great Sermon! ”
I ran out of characters in my first comment, but wanted to add that the presentation is passionate, which added to the encouragement it provided.

Sermon2/22/2020 9:19 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Doug VanderMeulen
“ Very Encouraging Proclamation of the Word ”
I have had the privilege of posting many comments about Ptr.Doug’s sermons over the years. This sermon is a masterpiece of forceful encouragement. Next week I’m facing my third medical heart test. The first one, an echocardiogram, showed a small mass in my heart’s left ventricle. The second test was a cardiac MRI. This found everything to be normal. How to resolve the disconnect? I was sent to take a Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE). In this one, they put a camera down the patient’s esophagus and take close-up photos of the heart. The only problem was they couldn’t get the camera down my esophagus. So now I’m scheduled to go back and have the procedure under general anesthesia, not merely under sedation. Having these many tests on one of one’s vital organs is something I find VERY STRESSFUL. Doug’s sermon powerfully drove home the point that this does not mean the Lord is punishing me for sin(s). And whether the third test determines that I will or will not need surgery it is in His perfect will. All that happens to us is for the sake of glorification of His Name. The net result of our joys AND our groanings is that both give us hope of glory—a future with Christ where there will be a New Heaven and New Earth. I drew great solace from this sermon.

Sermon3/31/18 5:44 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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It Is Finished
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Though Saved, Do You Have Peace and Hope? ”
I am very grateful to Ptr. Doug for this Good Friday message. This morning, the day after Good Friday, I went out for a late breakfast/brunch with my wife. We were discussing various matters, and at one point I said, "The Lord revealed to me that he's not finished with us in this matter yet." So the Lord has taken us successfully through certain difficult situations, and in those same areas, He will continue to lead us and give us perseverance and wisdom. But when Christ said it is finished on the Cross, that saving work, the forgiveness for ALL our sins, is finished. Yet, the sermon reveals that there are many saved Christians who still are vexed with guilt and fears, and have not realized the hope and the peace that passeth understanding that flows from Christ's "It is finished." (Only one word in the Greek) I am one of those still overly vexed by guilt and fear of man. Perhaps you are too? The sermon promises that if we keep knocking on heaven's door, we will attain that level of perfect peace and hope. This is helpful to me because I have found myself asking myself how I can be saved but yet not have the peace that passes understanding. I am now encouraged that it is not beyond my reach.

Sermon11/22/17 5:36 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Understanding Sin
Doug VanderMeulen
“ The Ten Commandments Still Apply ”
This sermon is refreshing and inspirational. It begins as a preaching about the Tenth Commandment about not coveting, but this commandment and our meditation on it draws us into even deeper issues of our sinfulness. Though those who follow Christ are called "saints" in the Bible (different from the special designation used by the Roman Catholics), we know we are converted sinners, and those not in the body of Christ are unconverted sinners. So in this sermon Pastor Doug explores how we should think about and deal with this sinful condition that abides in our hearts and minds even after we have been born again. But he not only explores the matter but proclaims our need for good works, obedience to the Word of God, and recognition that through Christ we shall eventually be in that perfect place where we can 100% worship (and serve) in spirit and truth. At the same time, he clearly is not antinomian, and in no way putting a positive spin on our basic sinfulness. He recommends good works in keeping with the Ten Commandments and recommends greater study of those commandments. Following the sermon I purchased Thomas Watson's work on the Ten Commandments, and printed out a couple of sections that are available at Have a blessed Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. Jeff

Sermon11/18/17 6:12 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Pursue Holiness And Honor
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Moral Purity Requires Honor II ”
To continue the previous comment.... This shows that even unsaved society is deeply conflicted over sexual morality; yet the impurity and sensuality and the lewd language and bodily activity on TV, the internet, and movies continues. Then, for someone like me who resides in New York City, we not only have to deal with various stages of undress in shopping malls as in smaller towns, but just on the subways where folks are packed together there are vulgar advertisements (like Pompeii in Pastor Doug's sermon), much showing of flesh, and sometimes physical contact between the sexes. You have to be prayed up. But the pastor brings out a key quality -- both mental and attitudinal -- namely honor. The Christian must have a deeply engrained sense that giving into temptation or even allowing oneself to feel tempted is beneath the high calling of having been elected by Jesus Christ to spend an eternity with Him. Thus, self-control and self-purification are not mainly a product of fear of God (although fear is warranted I believe) but by cultivating a sense of an elevated life based on honor and a nobility of purpose. Pastor Doug had a Facebook post about being a gentleman (he didn't say lady, but I'll add that term). That too is part of honor I believe.

Sermon11/18/17 6:01 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Pursue Holiness And Honor
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Moral Purity Requires Honor I ”
This is a powerful sermon on the subject of sexual sins. When was the last time you heard this topic preached on either in church or even in a men's group? Yet, we are living in an incredibly sexualized society. The power of lust is a tremendous theme of fallen humanity. Roger Bacon's philosophy stressed the need not to commit the Seven Deadly Sins. Now we're seeing headlines every day about celebrities and politicians groping women, and worse, even raping. There has been a line of public figures over the years who have been dubbed "bad actors" for their sinful behavior. Yet, this finger-pointing response as Jerry Newcombe wrote about in a recent article at (it's still up)is after the fact, and in contrast with the loose and ever-loosening sexual mores of our society. If it feels good, do it, but at the same time take all the right precautions, and if you are really bad, then don't get caught. So there are reprisals if you are caught abandoning yourself to sin but sin is portrayed as not that sinful. The babies keep being born out of wedlock. STDs are on the rise. Feminism clashes with the ideals of sexual freedom and the demand for government birth control pills and abortions.

Sermon12/28/16 4:11 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Love And Command
Doug VanderMeulen
“ God Commands Us To Love, And To Obey His Commands ”
This sermon will encourage Christians who have become saddened and discouraged by the widespread antinomianism in the church. Love covering a multitude of sins has been taken to mean "anything goes" for Christians as long as there is "love." Even back in the early '70's, this commenter was studying at Andover Newton Theological Seminary (Congregationalist and United Church of Christ) and situation ethics so-called was beginning to get wide acceptance in those so-called churches. Three of my fellow seminarians were shacking up with their girlfriends in the dorm of the seminary. Nobody said a word. You see, as long as those couples were professing Christians, and as long as they had "love," a reasonable adjustment to their "situation" could be made. "Love" trumps repentance and dog-like behavior, to use a metaphor from this sermon by Pastor Doug. In today's America, too often, much too often, there is no room for duty, honor, or righteousness. Love is a sentimentalized version of Christ's teachings that supposedly covers "a multitude of sins." Fear of self-righteousness has increasingly led to no righteousness. This sermon is rich in meaning, and certainly has more perspective on the real meaning of Christ's teaching than this comment, and I strongly recommend that you listen.

Sermon4/3/16 8:11 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ Are We Truly Glorifying God? ”
This is another sermon where we can walk away knowing that God, Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ, has received the glory. The man blind from birth gave God the glory and ultimately worshipped Him. Are we prostrate before God, overwhelmed with his goodness and kindness towards us? The blind man was kicked out by the Sanhedrin because he insisted that his healing was by one sent from God. That really made them sick. Anything that God does is going to confound those who are circling the wagons to protect their flawed belief system.The blind man's parents were more cautious when they were grilled by the leading rabbis. They did not want to give Jesus the glory as one either sent by God or as the "Son of Man". I was convicted to have a more bold witness to what God has done for me, what He is doing for others, and for the entire Christian Revelation. This sermon is both logical and inspiring. It has a coherence that is often sadly lacking in sermons, a unity of message and exposition. But it is also inspiring because of the passion and goodwill of the delivery. I need both. Don't you? Tonight I am feeling that perhaps the Lord is renewing my calling to preach or to write on Christian themes and Christian history.I must pray about these matters with a worshipful attitude.

Sermon4/3/16 1:52 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Are You Of God? - John 8:47
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Do You Love Jesus? ”
Jesus challenges the most religious, pious Jews of his time. They are doing all the "right things." Yet, they would like to see Jesus dead. Is there something wrong with this picture? You bet. Jesus is the Living Word. If He is not eliciting a loving response within us, if we justify ourselves before a holy God instead of depending on our holy God to make us more holy, clean up our sins, forgive us and change us, then have good reason to be afraid. Responding to Christ, Pastor Doug tells us, is not simply going to church every Sunday, voting Republican, and driving an American-made car. Rather, our sinful condition must be acknowledged and responded to. As John 3:7 tells us...we must be born again. It's a serious sermon, but if the listener takes it seriously, then it also will be a source of great hope.

Sermon10/27/15 4:46 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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The Work Of God - John 6:22-34
Doug VanderMeulen
“ This Sermon Is 'Must Listening' ”
Passion, intensity, and coherence can all be heard in the sermons of Pastor Doug. This one is no exception. Yet, it seemed to me that this sermon contained a unique cry from the heart of God for self-purification. We need to come to our beautiful Lord and Savior not only or even mainly for the many temporal blessings that we often associate with following Him, but for salvation, for eternal life with Him that can be found and accessed only through Jesus Christ. We need to focus more on the eternal aspects of The Gift of Christ given to us by the Father. Yes, I thank God because I already have had a long life, my finances are stable, my health is better than average, and I have my faculties. But these areas of life that engender "my happiness" should not become idols or totems on which to hang my understanding of His grace or my faith. Pastor Doug calls us to look heavenward towards the eternal aspect of our relationship with the Lord, to treasure that dimension of our salvation, for it is indeed for that reason that Christ joined himself to us. Please tell all your friends to listen to this sermon. I have posted it on my Facebook page.

Sermon2/13/15 11:47 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ True Worship Is Explained ”
This is not a sermon about how to structure a worship service. His focus is on the purpose and meaning of worshiping the Lord Our God in spirit and truth. He stresses that God is not just a bigger and greater version of ourselves. Thus, although he does not use my term -- anthropomorphic -- God is not to be understood anthropomorphically. He is eternal and unchanging. He is spirit. He is not identified with a specific time and place. That seems to me to be a wonderful starting point for considering the nature of true worship. Further, he stresses that our sincerity or zeal for the worship does not define the meaningfulness of the worship. In saying this, Pastor Doug reminds me of similar passages in Jonathan Edwards' book The Religious Affections, where Edwards tries to disconnect the authenticity and meaning of true worship from the issue of the degree of emotionality exhibited by the congregation. Ptr. Doug gives a marvelous example of the worshippers of the Golden Calf which, although dedicated to the great I AM, was nonetheless wrong, i.e., not prescribed. It was sincere and to the correct God, but it was still WRONG worship. Lastly, Sunday worship, assuming it to be true, affords the worshippers a little taste of eternity as God breaks into time and space.

Sermon2/13/15 10:45 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ Inspiring Sermon! ”
Tonight, again, I had a deep sense of my sinfulness. Again, for the hundredth time, I failed to apply Godly wisdom to a situation that occurs time and again. The Lord in his faithfulness gave me two thoughts: (1) to listen to a sermon by Pastor Doug, and (2) to begin preaching regularly again (I had stopped preaching every Sunday after 8 years about 11 years ago -- just doing occasional guest preaching and 6-8 week series on specific topics). My wife has repeatedly told me that I don't have the patience with other people to pastor. At any rate, I listened to this sermon, and it encouraged me that in spite of my sinfulness and weaknesses, I could still deliver the precious word of God and the delivering sacrifice and love of Jesus Christ to a lost and fallen world. Isn't there a great need for the Word of God today? Aren't we flooded with false teachers? Aren't we drowning in atheism and hypocrisy in our society? I live in New York City. Do you think the dominating life principle of this city is "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy mind and all thy strength?" There are a lot of social workers in this city, but while they are helping the bodies and sometimes the emotions of the people, are they dealing with the souls of their clients? Thank you Pastor Doug.

Sermon1/26/14 9:40 PM
Jeff Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ We Are All Sinners ”
I visited a Filipino church today (my wife is Filipino) called Brooklyn Evangelical Church. The pastor proclaimed or delivered a wonderful message on Romans 9:30-33. It was more than unusual in New York City to hear a message that not only preached salvation through faith as opposed to works, but included divine election, justification, sanctification, and the doctrine of Christ being 100% human and 100% divine in one personality. I was so surprised, encouraged, and rejoicing the entire day since the service. Fast forward to tonight when I listened to this sermon by Pastor Doug whose sermons have enlightened me and encouraged me for many years. He preached on the contrast between the prayer of the Pharisee and the prayer of the publican, not running away from, but rubbing our noses into, the sinful tendency towards hypocrisy that may and does lie in our hearts. This very same contrast was in the sermon I heard this morning, but it was only a small part of that sermon. Don't you think the Lord is saying something to me that I need to hear? Am I more like the Pharisee or the publican? I better find out, and soon. It seems I already know the answer, and I will repent. Thank you for being so strongly used by the Lord Pastor Doug.

Sermon12/18/13 4:02 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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The Angel of the Lord
Lawrence Semel
“ A Mighty Sermon! ”
I went to this sermon specifically because I wanted to hear about "the angel of the Lord." It was gratifying to hear that this "angel" actually is the pre-incarnate Christ. But that is only one aspect of this sermon. Pastor Semel reveals throughout the hard core wickedness and self-affirmation over and against Almighty God that is shown by the various OT kings, in particular Ahab and his son Ahaziah. Don't we see this ungodliness at the centers of power in this country and throughout the world today?! But the preacher brings out that with Christ, we are in a new day. The Almighty does not bring down fire immediately to destroy the unrepentant ones. Rather, we are under a rule of mercy. Thank you for this powerful and enduring sermon, and for bringing my mind and spirit into deeper realms of assurance in my walk with Christ.

Sermon12/7/13 7:53 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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A Dragnet - Matthew 13:44-53
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Real Reasons For Hope In This Evil Age ”
This sermon should encourage every born again believer who hears it, and should draw every unbeliever to repentance for his or her sins. But the sermon by Pastor Doug is mainly aimed, I believe, for born again believers like myself who sometimes are overwhelmed and discouraged by the ungodly, unjust, and downright depraved and unconscionable actions of our present period of history. Pastor Doug warns us not to expect these wrongdoings to just go away. He tells us that good and evil will exist side by side, possibly for a long time. However, Almighty God, the Ultimate Fisher of Men, is casting out a net drawing all of his creation ("fishes") to himself, and once the net is full, there will be an emptying of the "net". Some will go to glory to worship him forever, and (based on Matthew XXV) others will go to "eternal fire" to experience the fire that cannot be quenched. We who are in the Lord have the privilege of access to the throne of grace, as well as the promise and substance of eternal life with Him. We pray with thanksgiving for the gift of eternal life with the Lamb that has been freely given us through no merit of our own. Jesus will return to take the Church into the presence of the Father. The sermon ends with a passionate crescendo of encouragement.

Sermon9/19/13 8:55 PM
Jeff Ludwig | New York  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ Gratitude Should be Our Daily Diet ”
Pastor Doug's sermon focuses on gratitude as the sina qua non of growing in faith. This sermon also shares that the Bible does not make a distinction between believing 'based on facts' and faith based on nothing that is provable. Rather the Hebrew, Greek and Latin do not have a sharp dichotomy between faith and belief the way the atheists in our universities do, or the way Webster's dictionary does. Rather, we have faith in a person, the person of Jesus Christ who has been revealed to us through the Word of God. Although Ptr. Doug does not add this point, I will: namely, our language itself is skewed towards atheism by allowing that distinction between belief and faith. I was encouraged by these points and many others in this sermon. We are sinners saved by grace. Do you realize, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, that we are still sinners, that we can and do experience "drift" away from the things of God, and that we need to be vigilant for this...otherwise, we will be "led" into temptation and not be delivered from evil thoughts and acts. Blessings to all.

Sermon9/14/13 4:08 PM
Jeff Ludwig | Brooklyn  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Living By Faith
Paul T. Murphy
“ We Are Challenged to Live By Faith ”
This sermon is based on Genesis 3:20-21. In 27 years, I have never heard a sermon based on these verses. Pastor Murphy provides exposition showing that faith is trusting in God Almighty's promises and provisions, and we are challenged to reflect if we are living by faith. Adam and Eve had a "fig leaf faith" (they sewed together fig leaves to cover themselves), but the Lord provided them with garments made of animal skins. Yes, they did need to be covered after they sinned, but God provided the proper covering for them, not the coverings they pieced together by themselves with their own fallen minds. The wonderful faith involved in Adam naming his wife "Eve" is also explained in the sermon. For the first time, Eve has a name. And the Lord promises she will be the mother of generations. Adam already "knew" her, but she had not yet conceived. Nevertheless she was named Eve based on faith in God's promise that she would be mother of generations and that the Messiah (Christ) would come forth from those generations. Dear Reader, what else do you want from a preacher than to proclaim the eternal value abiding in God's promises and provision. I exhort you: listen to this sermon.

Sermon9/14/13 3:26 PM
Jeff Ludwig | Brooklyn  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Responding To Temptation
Paul T. Murphy
“ 1812 Overture in Words ”
Have you heard Tchaikovsky's wonderful 1812 Overture? It ends with a crescendo of percussion instruments and the bellowing, resounding sounds of a fusillade of cannons. What a passionate and encouraging piece of music. This sermon tells us that we can overcome temptation, but not in our own strength, rather by and through Christ who lives in us. There is an urgency of tone in the sermon that is gripping, and in the final "crescendo" Pastor Murphy refers us to Hebrews 4: 15-16 where we are reassured "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Throughout the sermon we are called to prayer, and finally are assured of the promise of Jesus Christ that those prayers against succumbing to temptation will be answered by Him. Anyone struggling with any temptation, anyone needing a deep encouragement for his or her faith should listen to this sermon.

Sermon5/3/13 4:30 PM
Jeff Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ Our Bodies Are Not Our Own ”
Over the past 25 years since I have been a born again believer in Jesus Christ, I do not recall hearing a sermon about the "body as a temple of the Holy Spirit." Imagine, we are living in a sexualized society where lust is given a top priority and the fulfilling of our sexual lusts is typically deemed normal, appropriate, and, in fact, healthy. As Pastor Doug puts it, "all of life is about me expressing myself." Or, at another point, "It's all about me...." Yet, we should FLEE from sexual immorality. We should be making God attractive in our bodies and our souls. This sermon tells us why we must cleave to sexual morality. If we don't we are tearing up the body of Jesus Christ to whom and with whom we are united. Please listen to this strengthened to become strengthened in your purity, and to live in such a way that you have no master in your life except Jesus Christ.
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