Dr. C. N. Willborn
768 Sermons
Dr. C. N. "Nick" Willborn is an ordained minister/teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and was installed as the Senior Pastor-teacher on August 2, 2009. Dr. Willborn had served CPC as Stated Supply Pastor since June 2008. Dr. Willborn is Adjunct Professor of Historical Theology in the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (where he taught full-time 2000-09) and has held pastorates in Tennessee and Alabama. He holds the B.S. from Tennessee Technological University (1984), the M.Div. from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (1988), and the Ph.D. in Historical Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary (2003). He is a frequent conference speaker and preacher and a regular contributor to Reformed journals and books. Publications include "Adoption: A Historical Perspective with Evangelical Implications," in Sanctification: Growing in Grace (2002); "The Diaconate: God's Office of Temporal Affairs," in Confessing Our Hope (2004); and "The 'Ministerial and Declarative' Powers of the Church and In Thesi Deliverances," in The Confessional Presbyterian (2005); "Gilbert Tennent" in Colonial Presbyterianism (2007); "Biblical Theology in Southern Presbyterianism" in The Hope Fulfilled (2008); "The Deacon: A Divine Right Office with Divine Uses," in The Confessional Presbyterian (2009), "Hodge and Thornwell: 'Princes in Israel'," in The Confessional Presbyterian (2012); "James Henley Thornwell: An American Theologian," in The Confessional Presbyterian (2013); "The Gospel Work of the Diaconate:A Ministry “Proportioned in Number,” in The Confessional Presbyterian (2014); The Selected Writings of Benjamin Morgan Palmer by the Banner of Truth Trust (2014); "Sanctification and the Law in American Reformed Tradition" in The Confessional Presbyterian (2015); "John Macleod: An American Appreciation" in The Banner of Truth (December 2015). He is currently co-editor of The Confessional Presbyterian and is completing the first critical biography of the noted 19th century American theologian John L. Girardeau, the famous preacher to slaves. Nick and his wife, Carol, have three children and live in Knox County, Tennessee.