Mike Anthony
205 Sermons
Pastor Anthony came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at the age of seven and was baptized at Water Tower Baptist Church in St. Louis, Mo. He committed his life to the ministry at the age of nine, at the same church, during a Wednesday evening service. At the age of fifteen, God refined His call for his life to the preaching and teaching ministry of the gospel. He made this public on a Sunday evening service at the Riverview Gardens Baptist Church in St. Louis.
Since that night he has been seeking to fulfill that call in anyway possible.
Pastor Anthony was Licensed to the Ministry, Aug. 22, 1971 and Ordained to the Ministry, Jan. 25, 1976. He received his Bachelor of Arts, Bible/Greek , Missouri Baptist College, St. Louis, MO 1977 and his Master of Divinity, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX. 1988.
God has called him to pastor His people in churches in Missouri and Illinois.
In 1995 & 1996 God allowed Pastor Mike be a part of a unique missions opportunity, Preaching/Evangelism Teams to the Ukraine. Then in 2001 he was once again on an over seas mission opportunity to Bulgaria to teach at Bulgarian Institute Sophia. Both these opportunities have left him with life-long treasured memories, that he loves to share.