W. Brandon Starnes
447 Sermons
Pastor W. Brandon Starnes was born in what has been called the “Prettiest Town in Dixie” - Cheraw, South Carolina. His parents desired to raise their only son to know and serve the “true and living God.” Pastor Starnes’s dad himself was called to preach and planted two churches in his home state. Although Pastor Starnes heard the gospel early in life, it would not be until the age of 16 that he accepted Christ as his Savior. Upon graduation from high school, he was challenged to attend one year of Bible College before entering into the field of Computer Science. Pastor Starnes ended up finishing a degree in Pastoral Theology and Christian Education before he left Bible College. He later completed a Masters Degree in Education. After nearly 7 years of service as an assistant pastor, God directed Pastor Starnes and his family to plant a independent, fundamental Baptist church in the northeast area of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Pastor Starnes's most sincere prayer is that you will visit SVBC and find that a life committed to God is a life worth living!