Rev. Leonard W. Pine, D.Min.

Pastor Len Pine shepherds Providence Bible Presbyterian Church in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, a church he planted in 2010. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1995 and earned his D.Min. in Preaching from Westminster Seminary California in 2002. A church planter through much of his ministry, he has taken a leading role in the establishing of numerous churches in the US and around the world, and has pastored two of them himself. He has been a Professor of Practical Theology at Western Reformed Seminary in Tacoma, Washington, since 1988, and served as the Field Director for Presbyterian Missionary Union from 2002-2019. Len started a fire and police chaplaincy ministry in Bonners Ferry in 2013 and continues to serve fire and law enforcement in that capacity. Len and his wife, Karen, were married in 1985, and they have two children and three grandchildren.

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