Nathaniel Hille
820 Sermons
Nathaniel R Hille was born to Timothy B. Hille and Eileen Y. (Smith) Hille in 1981. He was raised in Clio, MI. At the age of 17.5 the Lord saved him at the close of his junior year of high school. 14 months later the Lord called him to preach. In 2006, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Caldwell, Kansas called him to pastor. He was the undershepherd for 10 years when the Lord moved him to The Bible Baptist Church of Plant City, Florida, where he is currently pastor. He was married to Cassie L. Hille (also of Clio) in 2007 on the Friday Night of a 3 day Bible Conference. They now have 5 children. Pastor Hille has written numerous articles (printed in Berea Baptist Banner & The Voice in the Wilderness--both monthly papers), preached in seminars, conferences, revival meetings, teaches Sunday School, Biblical Mission Trips. Author of one book: What The Bible Says About Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage.