David De Bruyn
639 Sermons
David is a native of Johannesburg, where he and his family reside. He is married with three children.
David received a Diploma in Media Studies (majoring in Radio Broadcasting) from Rand Afrikaans University (now University of Johannesburg) and later trained in Web Development. His theological training culminated in an Honour’s degree from the South African Theological Seminary, and a Master’s Degree from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minnesota, U.S.A. His Th.D. is in Christian Spirituality through the University of South Africa. Since 1999, he has presented a weekly radio program that is heard throughout much of central South Africa. He has pastored New Covenant Baptist Church since 2003, served as an itinerant speaker and conference speaker, and serves as a professor at Shepherds Seminary Africa. David describes his theological convictions as Christian, credobaptist, cessationist, complementarian, creationist, conservative, and chiliast.