Liam Goligher

Dr. Liam Goligher was Senior Minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church from May of 2011 until December of 2023. He previously pastored churches in Ireland, Canada, England, and his native Scotland.

Dr. Goligher has been closely involved in Bible teaching and evangelistic ministry among college students. He has spoken at conventions throughout the world, and he has preached regularly at conferences and churches in the United States. Liam has contributed to more than ten books and authored four: A Window on Tomorrow (Christian Focus, 1994), The Fellowship of the King (Carlisle, 2003), The Jesus Gospel (Milton Keynes, 2006), and Joseph—The Hidden Hand of God (Fearn, 2008). He has spoken at pastor training conferences in Ireland and Scotland, and his Sunday sermons are webcast on the internet.

Liam married Christine Nora Hughes in 1972. They have five children and five grandchildren.

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