William Roberts
724 Sermons
It was while attending Cornell University that Bill became a Christian. After graduating from there and attending graduate school at Purdue University, Bill felt a call to the pastoral ministry. Leaving mathematics behind, he received his M.Div. from the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. After serving as pastor in the Bloomington Reformed Presbyterian Church for more than 27 years, Bill has been called to be a church planter in Terre Haute, Indiana. He and his wife Rachel were instrumental in founding Lighthouse Christian Academy, a non-denominational Christian school in Bloomington. He has served more than two decades on the Board of the Reformation Translation Fellowship, a mission organization dedicated to translating Christian books into Chinese. As a result of this involvement with the RTF, God has given him 4 opportunities to make mission trips to East Asia. Rachel and he have four delightful children, college age or above.