Michael Haykin

Dr. Michael Anthony George Haykin is currently Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Haykin was born in 1953 of Irish and Kurdish parents and raised in England. He emigrated with his family to Canada in 1965. He was converted to Christ in February, 1974, through the witness of Alison Lowe, the woman who became his wife in 1976, and through the ministry of Stanley Avenue Baptist Church, Hamilton, Ontario. He and Alison, and their two children, Victoria and Nigel, live in Dundas, Ontario. They attend Trinity Baptist Church, Burlington, Ontario, where Dr. Haykin and his wife are members, and where he has served as an elder.

A more complete biography may be found at Dr. Haykin's website: http://haykin.luxpub.com/

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