Prof. Herman Hanko

Professor Herman Hanko was ordained into the ministry of the Protestant Reformed Churches in 1955. After pastoring congregations in Michigan and Iowa, in 1965 he was appointed professor of New Testament and Church History in the Theological School of the Protestant Reformed Churches in Grandville, Michigan. He served in this capacity till his retirement in 2001. In his retirement he remains busy teaching several seminary courses, leading Bible classes, preaching in different churches and writing. Books he has written include "Mysteries of the Kingdom," an exposition of the Parables of Jesus, "Far Above Rubies," a book for Christian women, "For thy Truth's Sake," a doctrinal history of the PRC, "God's Everlasting Covenant of Grace,"When You Pray," a biblical treatment of the subject of prayer, "Portraits of Faithful Saints," an interesting biographical account of the main figures of church history, and "Ready to Give an Answer," a treatment of the history of the doctrine of the covenant in the PRC. These, and other titles are available at

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