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Parable of The Talents.
This is the last Parable that Christ delivered to His hearers. Again it concerns a man travelling to a far country and from His own goods he gives talents, five, two and one respectively, to three of His servants (slaves), according to their different abilities. The servants with the five and two talents used their talents and doubled their worth, They received their rewards for faithful service. The servant who was given one talent buried his talent in the earth, When he was called to account he accused his master of being a hard man. Those who have low thoughts of Christ betray that they are enemies of Christ. Pretenders will be made manifest by their worldliness. He hid his talent in the earth. How many Christians waste their time in worldly pursuits and never make good use of what they have been given. In other words, they hide their talent in the earth. Another reason for this is fear. The fear of man maketh a snare. This wicked servant admitted that he was afraid. How many professed Christians are just like this servant? They won't stand up against they won't stand up against the evils that are abounding in our land. New Sodom parades its shame with pride and apart for a faithful few most Christians are nowhere to be seen. They are probably watching football, or suchlike.
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