Sunday - AM Sermons
- Count Me In!Series: Numbers
- In the WildernessSeries: Numbers
- He Raises the FallenSeries: Amos
- Israel Shaken as a SieveSeries: Amos
- A Famine of God's WordSeries: Amos
- Three VisionsSeries: Amos
- Woe to Those at Ease in ZionSeries: Amos
- A Costly OfferingSeries: Special Sermons
- Seek Me and LiveSeries: Amos
- You Did Not Return To MeSeries: Amos
- Cows of BashanSeries: Amos
- When leaders fallSeries: Special Sermons
- LORD Over the NationsSeries: Amos
- The LORD Roars from ZionSeries: Amos