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Who We Are

We are a church located in Lakeland, Florida.

Covenant's purpose is to worship the Triune God in Spirit and in truth. This worship compels us to love one another and to witness to all men, women, and children, discipling them in biblical Christianity in the historic tradition of the Westminster Confession of Faith.

  • We preach from the ESV Bible.

  • 1,094 sermons online

Dr. David B. McWilliams

Dr. McWilliams has been the Senior Pastor at Covenant for most of the last 20 years. His passions are Christ centered preaching, applying theology to the life of the church, and shepherding people. He is a graduate of Mercer University, of Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, PA, M.A.R., M.Div.) and of The University of Wales (Ph.D.) Formerly, he served as Associate Professor of Systematic Theology on the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary and continues to serve as an adjunct professor of Systematic Theology at Redeemer Theological Seminary in Dallas. Pastor McWilliams has authored numerous articles as well as the recent book Galatians: A Mentor Commentary, 2009. Presently he is writing the Hebrews volume for the Lectio Continua commentary series.

Listen to Sermons


Covenant Presbyterian Church
210 Poppell Dr.
Lakeland, FL 33813

Service Times

Sunday Worship Services at 10:50am and 5:00pm, except second Sunday evening of every month.

Wednesday Prayer Service at 6:30pm.