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Welcome to Vineland Free Reformed Church


Vineland Free Reformed Church
3685 King Street
Vineland, Ontario, Canada
L0R 2C0

Service Times

9:30 AM
3:30 PM

About Us

Basing our DOCTRINE, PREACHING and WORSHIP on the BIBLE, the Vineland Free Reformed Church will compare (in the spectrum of churches)as ORTHODOX in teaching, APPLICATORY in its preaching, and TRADITIONAL in its worship style.
We believe that the Bible is rightly called, the “holy Scriptures” because its writings are the divinely inspired record of God’s own Word. No other writing is like it. The Bible is the only, infallible and sufficient standard for our faith and life.
As believers our conscience is bound only to the Bible as the Word of God.

The Bible reveals the truth about GOD THE FATHER Himself and all about His being, glory and work that we are called to believe.
In the Bible Jesus Christ, the SON OF GOD is revealed. We believe that the Bible teaches that Jesus is truly God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, that He took on human nature (the Incarnation), that after His Death (as an atoning sacrifice) upon the Cross, He was buried, and after His Resurrection, Ascension was enthroned in Heaven at the Father’s right hand. The Bible teaches (Acts) how the Apostles preached the Gospel of Jesus as the only Saviour for the world.
The Bible also teaches us about the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, who makes the Gospel call to salvation — the call to repent from sin and believe in Jesus — effective. We affirm the doctrines of grace (known as the “Five Points of Calvinism”) - because the Bible teaches that salvation is all of grace. The Bible also reveals how believers are sanctified and directs them how to live by faith and to love their neighbor to show their gratitude to God for saving them.

As members of a federation of churches (the FREE REFORMED CHURCHES OF NORTH AMERICA) we unite by confessing and fully subscribing to the three historic Reformed confessions (the CREEDS commonly known as the "Three Forms of Unity"): The Belgic Confession, The Heidelberg Catechism, The Canons of Dordt. Through these confessions we also reach out to fellowship with other denominations, even beyond those which share our continental Reformed heritage. With other Reformed and Presbyterian believers we share a high interest in the writings of the Calvinistic preachers and teachers of Dutch and English Puritanism. Among other things this common interest includes the promotion of preaching that is characterized by a close application of God's Word to the conscience of the hearer, an application that is convicting, discerning and experiential.

We very much appreciate the service of SERMON AUDIO. In a time in which worship is placing more emphasis on entertainment or upon visual (“seeing”) we welcome their motto: “faith cometh by hearing” (Rom.10:17). (As Bunyan taught, Prince Immanuel comes into the City of Man’s Soul by the Ear Gate.) A living God offers a living Saviour to needy sinners by means of the Gospel — the preached Word. That is a matter that calls for a living, realistic, urgent, anointed preaching. How can we expect the Holy Spirit to produce faith without aiming as churches to provide such preaching of the Word! Lord of the harvest send forth reapers!

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Our Church Code ID: 05313

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Install the SermonAudio skill on Alexa to listen via the Amazon Echo smart speaker. And then simply say "Alexa... open SermonAudio" to get started! Be sure to use your Church Code ID for easy access to your church's sermons. Smart watches such as the Apple Watch and Android Wear are also supported!


Amazon Kindle eBook Reader support and integration allows you to send any sermon transcript with a single click to your Kindle device wirelessly over WIFI or Cell!