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Welcome to Rosedale Reformed Bible Church


Rosedale Reformed Bible Church
8620 Rosedale St. NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Service Times

Lord's Day Services
9:00 AM - Morning Worship
10:50 AM - Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Prayer Meeting via Zoom

6:30 PM - Bible Study via Zoom

10:00 AM - Bible Study in sanctuary and via Zoom

About Us

Reformed in Doctrine, Worship, and Life

Amidst the shifting sands of fads, trends, and uncertainty, it is refreshing to stand upon the unchanging truths of Scripture. As believers anchored in the Lord Christ, we humbly confess in our doctrinal standards: "The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever." We strive to do just that in doctrine, worship, and life.

With a profound historical consciousness, we hold dear the ancient church creeds of the Trinity and deity of Christ. Indeed, we embrace the Westminster Confession of Faith, which so ably summarized the doctrines of grace in Christ it awakened Europe out of apostasy in the 1500s.

Being Reformed means we eagerly declare the ultimate authority to be "Scripture Alone" which unfolds God’s covenant mercy from Genesis to Revelation. The source and cause of salvation is God’s "Grace Alone" which is received through self-abandoning "Faith Alone." We are justified before God because of the merits and righteousness of "Christ Alone." Therefore, because it is the sovereign, holy God who rescues us, to "God Alone" be the glory.Worship is to magnify the majesty and works of the Triune God in loving gratitude for His redemptive grace. Reverence and devotion to the Creator of the universe mold and color our singing, prayer, and preaching, rather than concerns for entertainment and self-gratification. Only by worship, which is given its shape and content by Scripture, can we be confident that we are truly glorifying God in the process.

Every sphere of life, whether it is career, family life, use of time and money, or even play is sacred to God. Small group, informal Bible studies, prayer meetings, personal discipleship, and great fellowship are all geared toward helping us grow in grace. God is working among our congregation to cultivate the fruits of righteousness in our lives as new creatures in Christ Jesus.

None of us have attained perfection (nor will we this side of heaven) in our pursuit of "glorifying God" — body and soul — day after day. However, why not join us in the journey as fellow pilgrims en route to the celestial city of God? Begin by joining us this Lord’s Day at 10:50 a.m. as we gather to worship "in Spirit and in Truth."

Rev. Leldon Partain
Rosedale Reformed Bible Church

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