Welcome to Reformed Baptist Church of Kansas City
Reformed Baptist Church of Kansas City
Currently meeting at:
West Lenexa Seventh-Day Adventist Church
24450 West 83rd Street
Lenexa, KS 66227
Service Times
10:00am Worship
11:40am Study Hour
12:45pm Fellowship Lunch
7:00pm Prayer Meeting
About Us
We are committed to that biblical, God-centered, historic, and practical message set forth by our Reformation, Puritan, and Baptist forefathers. The love of Christ compels us to worship God in spirit and truth through Christ, to fellowship in love and unity as the body of Christ, and to proclaim Christ and Him crucified to all the world.
Our Distinctives:
The Desire for the Glory of God in all things.
The Proclamation of the Gospel of Christ.
The Priority of the Word of God and the Worship of God.
The Heart for Missions and Evangelism.
The Centrality of the Local Church Family.
The Importance of the Biblical Family.
The Joy of the New Life in Christ and Baptism.
The Christian and the Ten Commandments.
We are a member of the Confessional Baptist Association, subscribing to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
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