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Who We Are

We are a church located in Ocala, Florida.

See a topical index to selected sermons here: www.independencebaptist.com/sermons Independence Baptist Church is an unregistered, non-incorporated, non-501(c)3, historic Baptist Church, contending for the apostolic doctrines once delivered to the saints and faithfully preserved in the King James Version of the Holy Bible (KJV), and under the sole headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe salvation from the eternal penalty demanded for our sin is accessed by faith alone in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son in human flesh, who willingly offered Himself and died on the cross of Calvary 2,000 years ago to atone for the sins of mankind. Three days later Christ arose bodily from the dead, victorious over death, hell and the grave, and lives today as our ever present and faithful high priest, intercessor, blessed redeemer, and wonderful Saviour.

We hold tenaciously to the apostolic baptist doctrines of the sole authority of scripture and separation of church and state that modern "Baptists" have completely abandoned. Because the Bible is the sole authority for faith and practice in the church, and because the Lord Jesus is "head over all things to the church" (Eph. 1:22 & 5:23, Col. 1:18, Matt. 16:18; Acts 17:7), extra-biblical statute law has no authority in the church and the state has no jurisdiction over church affairs. Acts 5:29; 1 Cor. 6:1-8; Rom. 13:1-4; Matt. 18:15-18.

If you are blessed by this ministry and would like to receive email notices of new sermon postings, please email us and let us know, at:
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  • We preach from the KJV Bible.

  • 613 sermons online

Pastor Sam Adams

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Ocala, Florida

Service Times

Sunday 1:00pm