Glory to Glory
We have everything — but we're not everything. That's why we need Jesus to deal what we've done, what we are, who He's shaping us to be, and the work He's assigned for us to do.
The Veil and Darkness Still Remains
The Veil and Darkness Still Remains upon the hearts and minds of Israel and everyone who is perishing without Jesus and His message of redeeming grace.
Very similar to when the Egyptians pleaded with Israel to leave Egypt — those around the world may be on the verge of demanding the same thing in our day. There is a growing animosity and anxiety over the nation and her people. May the Lord make Jerusalem a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62; Zechariah 12; Ezekiel 36-39).
Today I'd like to take it just a step further. As Brother Paul pointed out, Moses' glory continued to fade, but those of us who are the letters of His grace, with unveiled faces, are constantly being transformed from glory to look more and more like Jesus, from day to day.
So, why does a transformed life speak? Because
Grace impels
Love compels
Faith propels
Hope dispels
All four of these distinct works of God move and motivate every believer to love and live out loud. They, like a candle, were made to shine and illuminate in the darkness.
"For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again..."
(2 Corinthians 5:14-21)
A transformed life is a letter of grace, a personal message of Christ, written not with ink, but a message imprinted by the Spirit of the living God, upon the hearts of e