Do You Know God's Expectation?
Do men automatically fulfill His expectations?
Come join me as we dig into Acts 17:23-32.
Who is this unknown God?
Like Paul, we need to know how to segue into Jesus.
Whatever the people give us, we can take it from there and bring in Jesus to all things.
Who's our Creator?
Are we accountable?
We all come from whom?
What happened to the descendants of Adam?
All nations must come through whom?
Where was Adam found after he sinned?
Was he seeking or hiding?
Who were we made for?
We are to live, move, and have on being in Him.
Psalm 119:155
What did God do?
The Standard of God.
The standard by which all men will be judged has to be the same standard by which all men shall live. You cannot have a standard of judgment and a different standard to live by. Therefore, the qualities by which we will be judged are the same qualities that we are to live by. Acts 17 reveals this standard, and it is found only in one — the Lord Jesus Christ. If we are not as righteous as He at the judgment, it is because we were not as righteous as He in this life. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 and Titus 2:11-14 help us see how we become the righteousness of God through the sacrificial and substitutionary life and death of Jesus. The life Jesus lived qualified Him to die the death that He died. And the death that He died, because of the life that He lived, qualifies us to receive the life that He lived. His life, through His death, becomes the substitutionary and atoning work that completely and eternally satisfies every aspect of God's love, wrath, justice, holiness, and mercy needed to be rightly related to His Father.
Therefore, by faith, we gladly re