Answering the Call
God gives us, who know Him, love Him and walk with Him, wisdom that the natural man cannot see, perceive or understand.
Jesus turns an eternally unprofitable person to a beneficial disciple to God and His kingdom.
Wisdom is for the wise... those who can only handle the meat of God.
Jesus makes disciples... and it's disciples that will be identified as being intimately and passionately connected to Jesus and recognized as being part of those who live, love and preach Jesus and His message.
But to a label oneself or others as a "Christian" and have no characteristics of a diligent disciple that likes, loves, lives and leads others to Jesus is falsehood.
Can I give you a few things to ponder, maybe a little something to chew on for a bit, as you close out or start this day?
When you no longer fit in a world you're passing through, you'll need, more than anything, to trust and follow the One who changed you and your current citizenship, your destination and dominion and your cause and course of life you're now celebrating and sharing with others. Think about? Having been made completely fit for another world also means, as you learn more about your new King and kingdom, the more you will realize how unfit you are for your current world's way of thinking and living. And if there's any one that can help a foreigner navigate their life and purpose, among a world they don't fit in, it would be Jesus, who knows His kingdom better than anyone. Why? He didn't fit in either. This how He illustrated it... He said, " 'The foxes have holes, and the birds...
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