Forever Effected
If ever effected, forever effected.
If ever saved, forever saved.
Forever Effective...
The Gospel Effect?
Eternally enriched...
The eternal effect of the work of Jesus and His grace eternally effected our comprehension and communication.
Enriched eternally
Graced enriched and equipped...
That we come up short in no gift for the work while we watch and wait for Jesus.
Jesus, and Jesus alone, adds His touch to those that have been transformed by His life and grace. This transformation of God adds eternal value to our thoughts, trust and tongue. He, through His grace and by His Spirit, enriches our communication (tongues) with eternal life, because He enriches our convictions (trust) with eternal transformation, because He enriches our comprehension (thoughts) with eternal truth.
When He enriches our thinking with eternal truth He makes the eternal difference in our comprehension, confidence, courage, commitment and communication.
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