Welcome to Dr. J.R. Dickens
About Us
J.R. is an author, teacher, professor, speaker, and lay preacher in the Presbyterian church.
He has published several books that are available on Amazon.
His experience teaching Sunday school goes back more than twenty years and includes topics like Genesis, Creation, Apologetics, and the Westminster Confession of Faith.
He has served as visiting professor of Apologetics at New Geneva Theological Seminary in Colorado Springs, where he also served as seminary Librarian.
He has organized several conferences including "Doctrines in Genesis" in 2021 and "The Word of God in a World Gone Mad" in 2023. Both conferences have now been published in book form.
He has served as a lay preacher in the chapel ministry of Winslow Court Senior Living in Colorado Springs. His sermons from the Psalms are published under the title, The Music of the Gospel.
His academic training includes graduate degrees in mechanical engineering and professional certifications in Quality management.
His industrial experience includes more than fifteen years of process improvement and organizational behavior.
His volunteer work includes more than six years with SCORE (a nonprofit for small business development), four years leading a pro-life organization in East Texas, and four years as treasurer of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Lufkin, Texas.
His personal interests include aviation where he holds a Commercial pilot certificate, Instrument rating, and Instructor rating.
He also enjoys camping, hiking, and skiing.