Who We Are
We are a church located in Sacramento, California.
We chose our church name to succinctly express our church identity. “Immanuel” expresses “God with us” as the chief desire of our hearts. We want to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever, and His special presence is coveted and guarded in our midst to prevent us from descending into a mere “religious society.” “Baptist” expresses that we have embraced a revised version of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 as the fullest expression of what the Bible systematically teaches. “Church” expresses that we are a family of Christian believers who have formally and publicly covenanted together to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul, and with all our strength. We are governed by Christ, our Spiritual Head, through His appointed means of the Word of God and our eldership. Our confession and our constitution best describe “those things which are most surely believed among us” and how we apply them to our church family.
Immanuel Baptist Church
1424 24th Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
Service Times
Discipleship 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship 10:30AM & 5:30PM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:30 PM