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Bienvenido a Iglesia Cristiana Gracia


Iglesia Cristiana Gracia
Poniente 12 #113 entre norte 9 y 11
Orizaba, Veracruz 94330
Colonia Unión Obrera

Horario de servicio

Domingos 10:00am-2:00pm
Miércoles 7:00-8:30pm
Sábado 5:30-7:00pm

Sobre nosotros

Vision Statement:

We exist to plant churches that have believers who glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We want to know Christ and make Him known among all nations by equipping and mobilizing Spanish speaking and indigenous leaders, making disciples that make disciples, planting churches that plant churches, and teaching them to obey all things that our Lord has commanded us in His inspired Word.

Our vision is to work in areas where there is little gospel witness. Romans 15:21, But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand.

We envision a local church where Christ is preeminent and His Word is honored, a ministry where hungry believers come to grow in God’s grace and knowledge, a place where living out the gospel transforms their personal lives, families and church community.

We see the local church as a place that challenges and motivates its members mentally with spiritual depth and rich theological content. We see a church that works with all age groups committed to working with children, young people and adults without disintegrating the identity of the family unit. We see a biblically balanced church where believers glorify God by using their gifts ministering to the body of Christ and employ what they have learned in evangelistic outreach and practical acts of mercy. Our vision for the local church is to be a training center and a launching pad to go out into their local communities, regions, and unto the ends of the earth.

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Últimos Sermones

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Nuestro Código de Iglesia ID: 72107

Phones and Tablets

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Smart TVs and Streaming Players

Enjoy audio sermons, videos, and live webcasts on your TV in the comfort of your home. Our sermons can be accessed via Amazon's Fire TV, the Roku TV, the Apple TV, the Android TV or even via Chromecast from any iOS device.

Smart Speakers and Smart Watches

Install the SermonAudio skill on Alexa to listen via the Amazon Echo smart speaker. And then simply say "Alexa... open SermonAudio" to get started! Be sure to use your Church Code ID for easy access to your church's sermons. Smart watches such as the Apple Watch and Android Wear are also supported!


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