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  • Hannah N. Visiting hours
    Sept. 7, 2023, 12:31 p.m.
    The visiting hours for Hannah N. are tonight at White’s Chapel in Azle, 6-8pm. Please come out and support the family during their loss. https://www.whitesfuneral.com/obituary/hannah-nickell
  • Mexico trip
    Sept. 5, 2023, 1:01 p.m.
    Please pray for the missions team today as they travel to Mexico. They should be flying out very soon. Pastor, Mike S. and David M. Jack and Tonya are already there.
  • Fellowship Meal & Communion
    Aug. 5, 2023, 2:02 p.m.
    Saints, tomorrow is the fellowship meal after the morning service and Communion tomorrow night. Pastor suggested bringing something "cool" to eat--think salads, fruit, etc. Gonna be hot. Also, please begin preparing to receive the Lord's Table by self examination, confessions of sins to the Lord, and reconciliation with brothers (if needed).
  • Pray for Tasha J.
    July 31, 2023, 5:49 p.m.
    This came from Mike J, who has been visiting with Tasha… Tasha has been having some concerning symptoms including dizziness and shortness of breath. We plan on going to get her checked out tonight. Please pray for her.
  • Breakfast Meal for Ms. Sharron's Family on Monday
    July 20, 2023, 7:32 a.m.
    The family of Ms. Sharron asked for a breakfast meal before the viewing. We will do so in the Fellowship Hall at 8AM. Kim and Margaret will coordinate and be there at 7AM. You can either text or call Kim or Margaret or see Margaret on Sunday and she will have a sign up list for what you can bring.
  • Funeral Info for Sharron A.
    July 19, 2023, 3:44 p.m.
    The viewing hour for Ms.Sharron will be Monday at 9am at the church. The funeral will follow at 10am, at the church. There will be a very brief graveside service. We are waiting on the family to tell us whether or not they want to do a lunch at the church. We will announce their final decision on the lunch as soon as we have the info.
  • Sharon A. Has Passed Into Glory
    July 18, 2023, 12:01 p.m.
    A very sad announcement: Ms. Sharon A. fell last night and has passed away. She was discovered by her family this morning. There are no details yet to report regarding the funeral arrangements, but when we have them we will share them as soon as we do. Please be in prayer for her family. We know she's home in heaven, but this is a deep loss for the church family.
  • Featured Sermon (2\2)
    July 13, 2023, 9:55 a.m.
    SA will send it out to their email list as a featured sermon (77k+ subscribers), to all of their social media platforms that day, and feature it on the front page. If you have a Facebook group where this would be appropriate, or a page, please share it there as well.
  • Featured Sermon from Pastor Randall (1\2)
    July 13, 2023, 9:53 a.m.
    Pastor Randall's sermon, Embracing The Culture is The Root of Self Destruction, will be featured tomorrow on Sermon Audio. This means that the sermon will be displayed prominently at www.SermonAudio.com. This is his sermon he preached recently about LGBTQ+ and the decline of the society. You can listen here. www.sermonaudio.com/sermon/516231552492468 You can help by promoting the sermon tomorrow morning. Mention it's featured on SA.
  • Youth Camp
    July 7, 2023, 1:40 p.m.
    Reminder to all parents who have kids going to Youth Camp. 1) Remember to bring camp paperwork on Sunday. 2) There will be a meeting after the worship service for the campers and parents in the fellowship hall. 3) There WILL be a covered trailer for transporting all of the gear. 4) PRAY for all those who are going to camp--for deep spiritual truth to be taught and obedience to it to be immediate.