Welcome to Dominion Covenant Church
Dominion Covenant Church
Legacy Hall
6104 Irvington Rd.
Omaha, NE, 68134
Service Times
10AM Sunday Morning Worship
About Us
Dominion Covenant Church is affiliated with the Covenant Presbyterian Church (CPC) and focused on “Promoting and enjoying the dominion of King Jesus over every area of life”.
Our focus leads us to place special emphasis on:
Encouraging Families
We are passionate about families being restored to their proper place in church and in society. We believe that the family retains to itself all powers not explicitly given to the church or to the state. We also believe that the church and state will function best when families are strong. Therefore, equipping the family is a top priority of this church.
Capturing Minds
The Bible not only calls us to love God with all our heart and soul, but it also calls us to love Him with all our mind (Matthew 22:37). Until all our thinking is captured for Jesus (2 Corinthians 10:5), we do not love Him fully. Until we teach “all things” given in Scripture (Matthew 28:20), we have not fulfilled Christ’s mandate. Christ is not satisfied with having only our will and our emotions. He wants the whole of our minds as well. Therefore, we will not be satisfied until our views on education, politics, arts, business, family, evangelism, journalism and every other area of life are claimed for Jesus and founded on the Bible. All for Jesus!
Confronting Idols
We believe that it is not enough to affirm truth. To be faithful to Christ we must also renounce error. It was not the affirmation of truth that got the Biblical prophets in trouble. It was their willingness to confront idols. Like Reformer John Knox we desire to go boldly into Satan’s territory and to begin capturing our culture for King Jesus.
Engaging Hearts
God is not fully glorified in us until our lives are fully engaged. And a Biblical Christianity should engage the heart. It should be a passionate Christianity. This should be especially seen in worship. Our desire is to bring our people to truly delight in the Triune God through vital God-centered worship that is consistently Biblical, that is empowered by the Spirit, and that celebrates the pre-eminence of Christ with joy, freedom, boldness and awe.
Expanding Missions
Our church will not rest or be satisfied (Is. 62:6-7) until all human authority submits to the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18), all nations are discipled (Matt. 28:19), all Scripture is followed (Matt. 28:20a) and all of Christ’s presence and resources are claimed (Matt. 28:20b). Anything less than an expectation of total victory for King Jesus in history (1 Cor. 15:24-28) does not do justice to the all-encompassing mandate of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).
Latest Sermons
- Father of MerciesSeries: Sermon