The Apostle Paul, in prison, with not a trace of self-pity, was staring death in the face. We, too, have to admit that certain times make us focus more on death. Such has been the case during the Covid-19 pandemic. It has led us to consider our own mortality, and has been a good time to think, and to ask ourselves 'Am I in the faith'?
The world knows nothing of this, to many this life is everything, knowing nothing of Christ, or of peace in the soul. To such people, having no eternal dimension, death is the biggest threat. For them, there is no awareness of God and no belief in life after death.
We however, as Christians, know the truth of the resurrection. We worship and believe in a Christ who is alive and has conquered death. What a day it will be when we are able to go from living by faith, to seeing the Christ who is alive for evermore.
We can know the blessing of God upon our lives now, but to be with Him, as the apostle said, 'is far better'.