Welcome to Covenant Baptist Church
Covenant Baptist Church
500 W. College St.
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Service Times
Sunday 10, 11, 2
Wednesday 7
About Us
We are Baptist Puritans. We identify with the 1689 London Confession of Faith, and with giants of the past like Gill and Spurgeon. But doctrine alone is empty; it must be put into practice. We strive to maintain both the doctrines of grace and the grace of the doctrines. Our desire is to call attention to the triune God, and to live for Him.
We endeavor to maintain serious-minded worship, with an emphasis that is both expository and evangelistic.
We invite our neighbors in the Tulsa area, as well as those passing through, to visit us. Prepare to be shocked by our simplicity. Here in the charismatic capital of the world, we are "equal time"!
[Note: Listening to audio messages is no replacement for public worship in the local assembly.]
Read MoreLatest Sermons
- Boasting in a Gift?Series: 1 Corinthians