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Who We Are

We are a church located in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Greetings Friends,

We would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website! We hope you were able to find all the information that you needed or wanted to know about us. We have been in existence a relatively short time but our roots go deep. Our teaching is rooted in the supremacy of God over all things, the sufficiency of Scripture in all of life, and in the sovereignty of God in all aspects of salvation. Our heart’s desire is to reach the Fredericksburg area for Christ, and to adequately equip the Body of Christ by teaching the truths of God’s Word verse by verse. Our priority each and every time we meet is to teach and preach the Word of God in an expository manner.

Let us take a few moments and using the words of our former pastor, Craig Schoenberger, describe who we are through our name. “Christ Himself is the very life of this church. Everything in this body of believers revolves around Him. This church is His church – Christ is recognized as Lord here. He is the Alpha and Omega of our lives. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, and our everything! We are a group of people who have believed upon Christ, love Christ, follow Christ, obey Christ, and serve Christ. This describes who we are – we are all about Christ! Fellowship means “a sharing in common” and describes our common life together in Christ. As a church family, we hold in common our Lord Jesus Christ. His spiritual life pulsates through our body. His truth and love knits our hearts together. Despite our many differences of family background, education, business, and social standing, we are one in Christ.

The Bible defines our theological and historical distinctive. The Bible is the foundation of our faith and practice as the Scriptures are the revealed will of God. The Bible not only reveals who God is in part, but also reveals the gospel truth without error. The Bible is our focus to understand as it is through the inspired written Word we know God.
Church also describes who we are. This word – church – means, “the called out ones.” Accordingly, we are those who have been called out of darkness by the power of God into the light of His kingdom. We have been drawn by the Spirit into fellowship with Christ. We are in the world, but no longer of the world. We are the church – the called out ones. Christ Fellowship Bible Church – this is our name. But it is more than merely a name. We are a congregation who have been redeemed by Christ, who support one another in loving fellowship, who hold to the doctrines of grace, and who are called out of the world to be the church of God. We hope you find the information contained on the website helpful. Of a greater importance to us is that you would come and share our vision and joy of glorifying God in this new fresh work of God’s grace. “

If we can help you or serve you in any way please feel free to contact us through the email on this website. May the Lord bless you and protect you.

The Elders of CFBC

  • 815 sermons online

Dale Treadway

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Faith Christian Fellowship/Christ Fellowship Bible Church
319 Deacon Road
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405

Service Times

Sunday Morning 9:30 am
You Tube 9:45 am