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Welcome to Bethel ARP Church


Bethel ARP Church
101 North Zion Street
Winnsboro, SC 29180

Service Times

Sunday School 10:00 am
Worship 10:55 am

Wednesday Services (August - April)
6:00 pm Family Night Supper
6.30 pm Children, Youth and Adult Bible Studies and Prayer
7.30 pm Choir Practice

About Us

Dear Friend,
Welcome! I am delighted that you have chosen to visit our site. I hope that you will find it helpful as you learn more about who we are as a congregation and how you can join us in fulfilling our purpose as a church, “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” God has made each of us to glorify Him and find our joy in Him alone! This is done through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. A jailer once asked some of Jesus’ disciples what he must do to be saved from his sins. Their answer was “and they said, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.’” (Acts 16:31) Their answer points us to how we glorify God and enjoy Him forever, having our faith in Jesus Christ. At Bethel ARP Church, this is our focus in preaching, teaching, fellowship and service. We welcome you to join us as seek to glorify God and enjoy Him forever in all that we do as His beloved people!Here are some distinctives of Bethel ARP church:

Biblical - all of the preaching and teaching at Bethel ARP is Biblical, meaning that it all comes from the Bible. We believe the Bible to be the inerrant, infallible word of God. This word is “breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Therefore, everything we believe, teach and preach comes from the Bible.

Evangelical - the Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to our faith and life. We are passionate about the person and work of Jesus Christ. Because of this passion and desire, we affirm the following statements:
1. Jesus, fully divine and fully human, as the only full and complete revelation of God and therefore the only Savior.
2. The death of Jesus on the cross, in which he took the penalty for our sins and reconciled us to God.
3. Salvation as God’s gift grasped through faith. We contribute nothing to our salvation.
4. New life in the Holy Spirit, who brings us spiritual rebirth and power to live as Jesus did, reaching out to the poor, sick, and oppressed.
5. The Bible as God’s Word written, fully trustworthy as our final guide to faith and practice.
6. The future personal return of Jesus to establish the reign of God.
7. The importance of sharing these beliefs so that others may experience God’s salvation and may walk in Jesus’ way. *

Reformed - we are Reformed in doctrine. Our church and denomination believe that this system of doctrine is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. The Westminster Standards serve as our theological boundaries and guide as we study the word of God.

We invite you to join us as we worship our great God and grow together in grace!

In Christ Alone,
James W. McManus

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Our sermons are available for listening on a variety of platforms through SermonAudio. No matter where you are, you'll be able to access our sermons and webcasts.

Our Church Code ID: 44403

Phones and Tablets

Listen to any sermon anywhere, any time! Native apps for the iPhone, Android, iPad, Kindle Fire, and Android tablets with background playback, video streaming, live webcast support, download ability, and more. For easy access, just use our Church Code ID above to select your church in the ChurchOne section of the app.

Smart TVs and Streaming Players

Enjoy audio sermons, videos, and live webcasts on your TV in the comfort of your home. Our sermons can be accessed via Amazon's Fire TV, the Roku TV, the Apple TV, the Android TV or even via Chromecast from any iOS device.

Listen Line

Access our live webcast with any regular telephone without the Internet, a PC, or "data" just by dialing (712) 432-3410 and entering our Church Code ID above. Long distance charges may apply.

Smart Speakers and Smart Watches

Install the SermonAudio skill on Alexa to listen via the Amazon Echo smart speaker. And then simply say "Alexa... open SermonAudio" to get started! Be sure to use your Church Code ID for easy access to your church's sermons. Smart watches such as the Apple Watch and Android Wear are also supported!


Amazon Kindle eBook Reader support and integration allows you to send any sermon transcript with a single click to your Kindle device wirelessly over WIFI or Cell!