
Here! There! Everywhere!

At times I wish that I could be two places at one time! But that is an impossibility for we are locked into time and space limitations. But our God knows no limits. He is everywhere present at once in the totality of His being! David, in Psalm 139, reflects on the omnipresence of God! There's no place he can run and hide from God, for God is everywhere. He can't go north, south, east, west, ujp, down, or even in the dark but God is there. Now God's ever presence has three positive effects on us. First it gives us courage to face the challenges of life knowing we are not alone. Secondly, it gives us comfort to endure the hardship of life knowing that God is there to help. And lastly, it engenders within contentment knowing that with God near we have everything we will ever need.

Sep 29, 2024
Sunday Service
Psalm 139:7-13
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