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For Him, Through Him, and To Him Are All Things

"Here first the Apostle bursts into an exclamation, which arose spontaneously from a devout
consideration of God's dealings with the faithful; then in passing he checks the boldness of
impiety, which is wont to clamor against the judgments of God. When therefore we hear, Oh! the
depth, this expression of wonder ought greatly to avail to the beating down of the presumption
of our flesh; for after having spoken from the word and by the Spirit of the Lord, being at length
overcome by the sublimity of so great a mystery, he could not do otherwise than wonder and
exclaim, that, the riches of God's wisdom are deeper than our reason can penetrate to. Whenever
then we enter on a discourse respecting the eternal counsels of God, let a bridle be always set on
our thoughts and tongue, so that after having spoken soberly and within the limits of God's word,
our reasoning may at last end in admiration. Nor ought we to be ashamed, that if we are not wiser
than he, who, having been taken into the third heaven, saw mysteries to man ineffable, and who
yet could find in this instance no other end designed but that he should thus humble himself." –
John Calvin

Jul 7, 2024
Sunday Service
Romans 11:33-36
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