The Desperate Need For Discernment Part 2
Series What is True Discernment
Jesus warned us to enter by the Narrow gate We are commanded to abstain from evil in every form.We must be a discriminating and descerning people.
We must grow into people who can tell the good from the evil or bad.
And we must also be able to see the difference between good and almost good, right and almost right.
The disciples had to be discerning as we saw in Luke. They left everything to follow Jesus. They weighed the evidence and by the power of the Holy Spirit, they determined that Jesus was the Christ the Son of The Living God.
Yes they were elected before the foundation of the world, but they still had to make a very real choice.
The had the responsibility to be discerning and discriminating.
For example Steven Furtick of elevation church has a coloring book that teaches the children that he is the "covering authority" that they must obey and submit to.
If you want to defend the Duck Dynasty gang, call them and have them state that they hold to salvation by Grace alone, through faith alone, In Christ alone, according to Scripture alone to the glory of God alone! Plus or Minus Nothing, and that includes Baptism, it does not save. If they cannot make themselves clear on this point then we have a major problem with their understanding of the gospel.
I wrote this out of great concern for our reformed churches and the pastors and leaders who will follow after Mark Driscoll.
Sermon ID | 92714231431 |
Duration | 47:08 |
Date | Mar 22, 2014 |
Category | Sunday - PM |
Bible Text | 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22; Romans 1:18 |
Language | English |