
You Can't Give… What You Don't Have

You Can't Give… What You Don't Have

We can't give away what we don't have. What we put in — is what we get out.

Illustrated this with money, coffee and biscuit dough. If I don't have it, I can't give it.

Learning how to mingle the word and faith to have a life transforming word to give away.

The true desire of every follower of Jesus should always be seeking, surrendering and striving for biblical truth that unveils the living Savior in a faithful and fruitful way.

Let's look at a 7 FOLD Principle for study and how TRUTH is to transform our lives. (Acts 28:30 ; John 17:3 ; Jeremiah 31)

  1. Truth that PRECISELY PROMOTES my Christ... It's TRUTH that is ETERNAL

  2. Truth that PROFOUNDLY PENETRATES my Conscience... It's TRUTH that ENGAGES my Conscience (2 Cor 10:4-6)

  3. Truth that PERPETUALLY PERMEATES my Core... it's TRUTH that ENRICHES my Core (Hebrews 4:12)

  4. Truth that PRACTICALLY PREPARES my Convictions... it's TRUTH that ESTABLISHES my Convictions (2 Tim 3:16-17)

  5. Truth that PURPOSELY PERSONALIZES my Compassion... it's TRUTH that EMBRACES my Compassion. (We all show compassion to things that are personal to us... truth refines and shifts that compassion with purpose to touch the needs for those who are without a Shepherd.) (2 Cor 5:14-15)

  6. Truth that POWERFULLY PERSUADES my Conduct... it's TRUTH that EMPOWERS my actions and attitude which effects my Conduct or how I live from day to day. (the gospel: Romans 1:16-17)

  7. Truth that PERSISTENTLY PURIFIES my Communication... it's Truth that Equips me to serve and help others. Communication with the world around is key to an effective witness. (Col 3:16-17 ; Eph 5:18)

But our COMMUNICATION is void if ou

Sep 18, 2021
Sunday - AM
Acts 28:30-31; Jeremiah 31
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