
"The Simplicity That is in Christ"

Everton Park - 3rd August 2014 am

Suffering, Weakness and Power: 2 Corinthians
#17 - "The Simplicity That is in Christ"

2 Corinthians 11:1-21a
Genesis 3:1-7a

  1. Eve corrupted from the simplicity
    a) The simplicity of the covenant relationship
    b) The duplicity of Satan

    • Questioning the Word of God
    • Selectively reading the Word of God
    • Rethinking how God speaks
      c) The deceit of self-glory
  2. The Church corrupted from the simplicity
    a) The simplicity of the new covenant relationship
    b) The duplicity of angels of light
    c) The deceit of self-glory

  3. Return to the simplicity of the gospel
    a) The simplicity of our covenant relationship
    b) The simplicity of the light of God's Word

    • Not questioning the Word of God
    • Not selectively reading the Word of God
    • Not rethinking how God speaks
      c) The glory of self-denial
Aug 3, 2014
Sunday Service
2 Corinthians 11:1-21; Genesis 3:1-7
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