229: TULIP
Series The Faith Debate
This is a recording of a live stream of The Faith Debate radio show doing an in-studio recording session. This behind-the-scenes look at the show features the author of "The Head Covering" attempting to defend Arminianism (and Prevenient Grace) against the Doctrines of Grace (sometimes referred to as TULIP) taught in Reformed Theology (also sometimes called Calvinism).
Troy Skinner. Pastor, Household of Faith in Christ
Daniel Razvi. Pastor, Church That Meets at Imran's House
Imran Razvi. Founder, Conquered By Love Ministries
Josiah Bongioanni. Author, "The Head Covering"
Josiah's book is available on Amazon and is also available for free as a pdf download. To learn more, go to josiahbongioanni.com.
This video contains five radio shows. All five episodes are available as individual audio podcasts.
Section One - Total Depravity (also called Radical Depravity)
Section Two - Unconditional Election (also called Unmerited Favor)
Section Three - Limited Atonement (also called Particular Redemption of Definite Redemption)
Section Four - Irresistible Grace (also called Effectual Calling)
Section Five - Perseverance of the Saints (also called Preservation of the Saints or Eternal Security (which is related to the idea of "Once Saved Always Saved")
Sermon ID | 81124166273983 |
Duration | 2:32:13 |
Date | Jul 2, 2024 |
Category | Podcast |