
Until Christ is Formed in You

Because God's goal in our salvation is that we would be remade in the image of Christ, we also must pursue this as our goal, seeking to walk daily by faith with Christ, yielding to His life-transforming work in and through us.

I. God's Goal in Your Salvation is to Re-make You into the Image of Christ! Gal 4:19, etc

  1. The Goal of Your Salvation is Christ-likeness: "To see Christ formed in you!"
  2. Sanctification is the Process by which your life is being reshaped into Christ's image daily!
  3. God's big goal in redemption is to see the beauty of His image restored in us through faith!
    II. God's goal to reshape your life into Christ's image must now become Your Goal in Life! Col 3:9-10; Eph 4:20-24
    III. How do we pursue Christ formed in us? How do we cooperate with God's grace in this?
    (1) It starts with conversion
    (2) Look to Him to do this work! That's the promise! This is His purpose for you as a Christian!
    (3) Set your mind to be renewed as you learn to think like Christ! Col 3:1-2
    (4) Fix your Eyes on Jesus Daily and Follow Him!
    (5) Depend on the work of the Holy Spirit whom God has given to lead you to Christ daily!
Jul 14, 2024
Sunday Service
Colossians 3:9-10; Galatians 4:19
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