
Examine Yourself

There are lost souls in the Church. Examine yourself for legalism.
See if you are in the faith-test yourself. The lost are part of the visible church. Their goal is not the Glory of God, but their own glory.
The Church at Corinth had problems, and Paul dealt with those problems. Many had no fruit-Paul exhorts them to examine themselves-Jesus must be in them.
Matthew 4 Jesus preaches repentance for the kingdom is at hand.
Matthew 5 The beatitudes Jesus tell us what kingdom citizens look like. The beatitudes are the fruit: the work of Jesus. Repentance and belief are not only one time events
Matthew 7 The right goal is the Glory of God (Micah 6:8)
The response of true Christians when they come before the face of God is that if Isaiah- they are undone, depart from me,
Ask yourself who is Lord of my Life. We must examine ourselves. It is the difference between eternal life and eternal judgement.

Jun 19, 2022
Sunday Service
2 Corinthians 13:5; Matthew 4
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