
The Twin Aspects of Christ's Work for Us

The Scripture that I read from Matthew 5 is a fitting meditation for us as we come to the Lord's Table this evening. Jesus, in that passage, is speaking of the purpose for which he came to earth. He gives us many such statements, he says, “I did not come to be served but to serve and to give my life a ransom for many.” The Son of man “has come to seek and to save that which is lost,” and so there is a multi-faceted purpose in the Incarnation that we could look at from many different perspectives but here in Matthew 5 is where the Lord would draw our attention, I believe, this evening. Jesus speaks of the purpose in his coming to earth, a purpose which found its climax in the cross of Christ. He speaks broadly of the Old Testament when he says that he came to “fulfill the law and the prophets.” He speaks about it broadly and he invokes it in its detail when he says, “not the smallest stroke or letter will pass away from the law until all is accomplished,” and as he's referring to the Hebrew alphabet, you could think about it as the crossed t and the dotted i in the English language as being a reflection of what he's speaking about: down to the dotted i and the crossed t, everything is going to be fulfilled and he says, “That's why I am here on earth.

He had to explain that; he had to express why that was the case because his teaching and his actions were so contrary to the dominating religious environment of the day. The people were used to looking to the Pharisees as being the preeminent religious authority in the day and Jesus came and confronted all of their interpretations, confronted their conduct...


Jun 22, 2014
Sunday Afternoon
Matthew 5:17-18
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