
Delighting God

We are not to cheat other people. God hates it when people cheat and lie. God, who is always honest and delights in the honesty of others. Humility is seeing yourself soberly in God's grace. We are to recognize our position in Christ and realize that it is all because of Him. If we are aware of who God is, humility is not a stretch. Compared to God, we know nothing. Satan can suggest that you do bad things, but he cannot make you do them. We cannot bribe the Lord. Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath. All of us are going to spend forever somewhere. Once we take care of that, we can live a life of meaning. A kind man benefits himself but a but a cruel man brings trouble on himself. Pigs dig with their noses. If we put gold rings in pigs noses, we do not make pretty pigs, we get dirty gold. Generosity reaps benefits. If what you are looking for is bad things, you will find them, if you are looking for righteousness you will find it. God teaches us to care about people. God delights in people who do the right thing. God hates sin and lies but He delights when we get it right. He finds joy in His children obeying Him.

Jun 11, 2015
1 Kings 12; Proverbs 11
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